How do I publish a website?
Click the green Publish button in the top-right corner of your builder screen. If you'd like to preview what the site will look like, hover over the Publish button and click Preview Site. Note: If this is your first time publishing your site, you ...
How do I add a page that links to an external website when clicked in the menu?
Click New Page on the left side of your builder screen. Select External Link from the list of page styles on the left-hand side. Enter the page name and the external URL you want your page to link to.
Can someone else edit my website without having my login credentials?
Yes, someone else can edit your site without you having to share your login credentials. You can grant people with either of two levels of access to edit your site: 1. Admins Admins have the same privileges as the site owner, except that they ...
Is there any limit to the number of pages that can be on a site?
No, there is no limit for the number of pages on your site.
How much storage is allowed for my site?
Zoho Sites offers unlimited storage for all websites.
What if I publish an incomplete site?
The incomplete website will be accessible to users. But you can edit your site even while it's live then republish the changes once you have finished editing. Or you could simply unpublish your site and publish it again once it's complete. To do ...
How do I revoke a published site?
Hover your mouse over the Publish button on the top right-hand side of the builder. Click Unpublish Site. Click Continue. Click OK. Note: Users who try to access an upublished site will be redirected to a 404 error page.
How do I see what my site will look like before publishing?
After customizing your site, hover your mouse over the Publish button located in the top right-hand corner of the builder and click Preview Site. You will be able to view both the desktop and mobile versions of your site.
How do I edit my website?
Login to sites.zoho.com. Hover your cursor over the website that you would like to edit. Click Edit Site, located to the right of the site listing. The Zoho site builder will open. Modify your site's apparence using editing tools like the Visual ...
How do I contact support?
Zoho Sites provides 24/5 email support. Contact our team at support@zohosites.com.
Does Zoho Sites support PHP?
No, we do not support PHP.
How do I add a new page to my website?
There are two ways to add a new page to your website: Either click New at the top left of the builder, or hover your cursor over the page menu and click Add page. A pop-up window will appear. Enter a page name and choose Page style and Content ...
Will I lose the content in my site builder if I accidentally close the browser tab?
You will not lose any content or edits. Zoho Sites auto-saves your work.
How do I change the font color of a single text element that I have added to my website?
To change the font color of a specific heading or paragraph: Select the text. Click the Font color icon in the pop-up tool box. Drag the color picker to choose a color or enter a color hex code. Click OK. The color you have chosen will be applied ...
How do I access a hidden page in the Zoho site builder?
To access a page that you have hidden: Click Open at the top left of the Site Builder page. A list of the pages on your site will appear, including hidden pages. Hidden pages will have this icon next to it . Click on the name of the hidden page to ...
How do I put HTML code in a page?
You can use the Insert HTML option to insert formatted text. Click the text element on your page. Click the HTML icon that appears on the toolbar. Paste the HTML code, then click OK. Note: For security reasons, you cannot to include scripts, ...
How do I resize an image that I have added to my website?
Click the image that you would like to resize. Click the Size dropdown menu in the tool box. Select a size that suits your requirement. You can also use the resize bar to change the dimensions of your image. Click the image that you would like to ...
How do I link an image to an external website or another page within my website?
Click the image to be linked. Select the Link icon from the tool box. Choose the Link To location from the menu on the left. Enter the requirements on the right.Click OK.
What is a light box and how do I turn it on or off?
The light box feature allows your visitors to view an image in a click-to-zoom format. To turn the light box on or off: Select the image on your page. Click the ON/OFF switch for the Light Box option.
Are there terms of use or terms of service for Zoho Sites?
Yes. Zoho Sites has its own terms of use. To view it, go to https://www.zoho.com/sites/terms.html
How do I add new images or remove existing images from a photo gallery or slideshow?
To add new images to a photo gallery or slideshow: Click the photo gallery or slideshow from your page. Select the Organize Gallery or Organize Slideshow button from the tool box. Drag and drop images from your computer or click Upload Files. ...
How do I turn autoplay on/off for audio added to my website?
Click the audio player on the page. Click the ON/OFF switch for the autoplay option.
Why is the Flash video that I added to my website not rendering on Apple devices?
Your website is not at fault. This is just a compatibility issue between Apple devices and Adobe Flash. For more information, check out Thoughts on Flash.
How do I manage comments added through the comment box feature?
Select the Manage tab. Click Comment Box. Modify the settings as you like. You can enable or disable comment moderation and email notification. You can also set the number of comments per page. Click Save.
Why isn't Google AdSense displaying ads to my site?
As long as there are no issues with your AdSense account or settings, Google should render ads with the code they have provided. However, there are a few reasons your AdSense ads might not be displayed. ...
How do I switch between the "Add to Cart" and "Buy Now" buttons associated with a product added to my website?
Click the product element on your website. Click the Button Type dropdown list and select a button.
Is it possible to add a product and provide an option to choose between various sizes and colors?
Currently, it is not possible to provide different color and size options for a product. Each size and color variant will be considered a different product. However, you can use the Duplicate As New option in the properties window of the product to ...
How do I add new products to my website? Where do I manage the products I've added?
To add new products: Click the Commerce tab at the top of your builder. Drag and drop the New Product element to the content area of your website. Enter the required PayPal details. Enter a title, description, and price for your product. Add an image ...
Is there a limit on bandwidth and file storage?
We provide unlimited bandwidth and file storage for users hosting their websites through Zoho Sites.
How do I add a search box to my website?
Click here to create an account with Google Custom Search Engine. Click on the Sign in to Custom Search Engine button and login using your gmail account. Enter the URL of your site on Zoho Sites in the Sites to Search box. Enter the name of the ...
Is the member portal integrated with Zoho Creator?
No, the member portal is a stand-alone feature of Zoho Sites and is not integrated with Zoho Creator. To learn more about the member portal feature, visit Member portal.
Does Zoho Sites provide a white label website builder?
No, we do not provide this service. Users can visit sites.zoho.com to build and host a website through Zoho Sites.
What is Zoho Sites pricing?
Please click here to view our pricing page.
Can I add radio buttons to the member portal sign-up form?
We do not support this feature at this time.
Can I upload my website and host it through Zoho?
No, only websites created on the Zoho Sites builder can be hosted through Zoho.
How do I downgrade my Zoho Sites subscription?
To downgrade and cancel the add-ons on your site: Login to sites.zoho.com using your accounts primary email address. Click Add-on Subscriptions at the top right. Click Manage Add-ons next to the name of the website that you would like to downgrade. ...
How do I add text and buttons on the banner image?
To add text and button to your banner image: Hover over the banner on your page. Hover over the Customize drop-down and click Edit banner for this site. Either drag and drop or click the Paragraph and Button widgets at the top-left corner to add ...
My website stopped working and is no longer accessible. What do I do?
If a 404 message appears when you try to access your domain, it either means that it must be unpublished or that it's blocked. Please email us at support@zohosites.com.
Can I add Google AdSense to my website?
To add Google AdSense to your Zoho website: Copy the AdSense code from Google. Login to your Zoho site builder and select Embed from the Elements tab. Click Code Snippet under the Select Embed Type menu on the left. Paste the code into the text box ...
Why do I get this message: "Error: Access Denied. Insufficient privileges to create a site. Contact account administrator" when trying to create a website?
If Zoho is used by an organization, only the organization admins will have access to Zoho Sites. If you need to create a site but do not have the proper privileges, have one of your organization admins change your user role from user to admin. To ...
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