Sending Emails
What are Filters? What are smart Filters?
Filters/ Rules allow you define some conditions for incoming emails, and automatically move them to folders or add labels to the emails, when they match the conditions. Smart Filters by Zoho Mail, automatically identify the automated notifications, ...
Can I schedule an email to be sent at a later time?
In Zoho Mail, you can compose an email, and select a schedule for the email to be sent at a later time. Further you can also set to recurring send of emails, with the frequency in which the emails should be repeated. Learn more.
I get an authentication error when sending emails using another 'From' address. How can I update the correct password?
In case you have changed your source accounts password, you need to update it for outgoing mail server settings also, to be able to send emails. Refer here for more details.
How can I send mail from another mail address?
You can add ‘Custom from’ Addresses to send mail from other email addresses. If you add an email account as ‘Custom From’, a verification code will be sent to the account. Once you verify the account in Zoho, you can select the account from the drop ...
How can I set my composing language?
You can set the composing language by choosing the language from the drop down box next to the Spell Check Icon. However, you can compose in the language of your choice, if your system and keyboard settings support the language or alternatively, you ...
How can I set encoding for my outgoing message?
You can set an encoding for Outgoing message from the Settings page. In the Mail Settings locate compose options and you can set a default encoding for your out going messages.
How can I use a Template?
If you want to use a template, please draft the content, apply necessary formatting and click ‘Save Template’. You can use the template any number of times by clicking the template from the templates folder.
Can I set reminders for emails to take action at a later time?
You can add reminders to emails, based on the response, no response or based on a date-time irrespective of the response. The reminders can be set when composing the emails or even for the emails you receive. Learn more.
How do I insert a saved template in the email composer?
In the Compose window, click the Options icon on the top menubar, and select Template. The templates that you've already saved will be listed. Pick the required template to insert it into the email content. Learn more.
How do I set the priority for the email that I'm sending?
In the email Compose window, click the Options menu in the top menubar, and select the required priority from the drop-down. An indication of the selected priority will be made in the recipient's email listing. Learn more.
Is there a way to know if the email that I've sent has been read?
You can request a read receipt from the recipient using the Ask Receipt feature. In the email Compose window, click on Options from the top menubar, and select Ask Receipt. Depending the recipient's settings, you will get a read receipt. Learn more.
How do I create a template?
To create a new template, open the email composer, type the content of the template in the compose area, and click the drop-down next to Save Draft. From the listing, select Template. The content that you added will now be saved to ...
Is there an option to remind the recipients about an email, after a fixed interval?
You can remind the recipients by setting a reminder while sending the email. Click the Remind Me icon in the compose window, choose the If no one replies until or the Regardless of the reply option, and mark the Remind recipients also checkbox. Set ...