What is domain aliasing ?
Domain aliasing is the process of mapping a new domain as an alias to an existing domain that is already configured in Zoho. This ensures the automatic delivery of emails addressed to new aliased domain to the corresponding accounts in the existing ...
What is Subdomain Stripping?
Subdomain stripping is the process of removing the subdomains from the main domain and delivering the emails to the main domain directly. Suppose, you have configured your subdomain to deliver emails to Zoho servers, any email ...
How do I add the Organization's locations to my Control Panel?
You can add your organization locations from Locations menu in the Dashboard section of your Control Panel. Under the Locations menu, enter the details from the Add Location section, and click Save. Learn more.
How do I change my organization's name in the Control Panel?
Login to In the Dashboard section, click the Edit icon next to the organization name and enter the required name. Only the Super Administrator can change the name of the organization. Learn more.
How do I delete the organization?
To delete the organization, you need to remove the email hosting of domains, delete the domains, and then delete the organization from the Delete Organization menu in the Dashboard section. Learn more.
How do I change the Super Administrator?
You can change the Super Administrator for your organization from the Dashboard section. Click the Edit icon next to the Super Administrator name, and choose the Admin member whose role you want to change to Super Admin. Learn more.
How can I enable Two Factor Authentication (TFA) for the entire organization?
In the Dashboard section, switch the Two Factor Authentication toggle bar to On/Off to enable the TFA for the entire organization. Refer here for more instructions.
How can I reset a user's password as an administrator?
In the Control Panel, navigate to the User Details section and select the user for whom you want to reset the password. Select Change Password from the top menu. Refer here for more instructions.
How can I create new user accounts/ email accounts in Zoho Mail?
The Administrators or Super Administrators can add users individually or import users in the CSV format to Zoho Mail. To add a user, navigate to the User Details section in the Control Panel and click Add User from the top menu. Similarly, to import ...
How can I control the Spam being delivered to my users accounts?
The organization administrators can set up Spam Control rules for their organization based on SPF Failure, DKIM failure, Organization Blacklists and so on. The rules can control whether the emails should be bounced back, or sent to quarantine. ...
Can I customize the default logo for my organization?
You can customize the logo to make it appear in the custom login page and the mailbox page of all employees in the organization. In the Dashboard, hover your mouse over the default logo, and click Change Logo. Refer here for more details.
What is domain verification?
Domain verification is a procedure that is required to ensure that the domain you added is a valid domain and that you have the required permissions over the domain. This is a mandatory step that has to be done while setting up Zoho Mail for your ...
How do I get the details of users currently added in the organization?
You can use the Export users option in the organization to export the details of all users including first name, last name, email address and so on. In the Control Panel, User Details section, select the users and click the Export Users link. A CSV ...
How do I delete a domain?
In the Control Panel, navigate to the Domains section. All the domains that you've added to your organization will be listed here. Locate the domain that you'd like to delete, click the Remove Email Hosting icon and click the Delete ...
Can a member with Administrator privilege change the roles of other members?
No. Only the Super Administrators have the privilege to change the roles of other organization members. Learn more.
How do I change the roles of organization members?
In the Control Panel, navigate to the User Details section. Select the user whose role you'd like to change, click the User drop-down from the top menu, and choose either Admin or User from the listing. Learn more.
Is it possible to disable all services for a particular user?
Yes. Navigate to the User Details section in the Control Panel, and locate the Status menu. Click Disable User under the Status menu to disable all services for that user.
What is Two-factor Authentication?
Two-factor Authentication is an additional security measure that helps in securing your account with the combination of a password and a mobile device. These extra security measures protect your data, by ensuring that your account doesn't get ...
Can I choose who my organization members share documents with?
Navigate to the Privileges section in the Control Panel. Under the Docs menu, set the required permissions for Share, Export and Publish, and click Save.
Can I restrict group creation to specfic organization members?
Navigate to the Privileges section in the Control Panel, edit your preferences under the Groups menu, and click Save. You can set the permissions to either Super Administrators, Administrators or All Users for the creation of organization and ...
How do I add new members to an existing group?
In the Control Panel, navigate to the Groups menu. Select the required group from the listing. The Members page opens up. In the Add Members section on the right side of the page, enter the required members and click Add. Learn more.
How do I set the Spam control policy for the group?
In the Control Panel, navigate to the Groups section. Select the required group, and under the Anti-Spam menu, define your spam preferences. Learn more.
Can I allow members to send emails using the group email id?
In the Control Panel, go to the Groups section. Select the required group from the listing, and in the Members menu, click the Edit icon for the member you want to provide access to use the group email id. In the Send as Group option, ...
Is it possible to moderate all the emails that are being sent to a particular group?
Yes. To moderate all emails sent to a group, create a Moderated/Restricted group. To create a Moderated group, set the Access level to Moderators only. This allows only the administrator and the moderators of the group to send emails to the group ...
How do I edit the member roles and permissions in a group?
In the Control Panel, navigate to the Groups section. Select the group whose member permissions you want to edit. Click the Edit icon across the respective user, edit the required fields, and click Save.
How do I delete groups in Zoho Mail?
In the Control Panel section, navigate to the Groups menu. The groups that have been created as part of the organization will be listed. Select the groups that you'd like to delete and click Delete from the top menu.
What are the differences between an Organization group and a Closed group?
An Organization group permits the members of the organization to send emails to the group, whereas a Closed group allows only the members of the group to send emails to the group email address. Emails that are sent by members outside the organization ...
What is a domain disclaimer?
A domain disclaimer is a piece of text that is appended to the bottom of an email as a legal and confidentiality notice. It is in many ways advantageous over Signatures and is common for the entire organization. Learn more.
What are IP Restrictions?
IP Restrictions can be enabled for security reasons, wherein, the users will be allowed to login only from a range of IP addresses as defined by the administrators. If the user tries to log in outside the allowed range, Zoho Mail throws an error, and ...
What is DKIM?
Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) is an authentication method that makes use of a public-private key encryption to validate the emails. The receiving email server makes use of the public-private key combination to authenticate the email ...
What is a DNSBL?
A DNS-based Blacklist is a blacklist of locations on the internet that are prone to sending spam emails. You can define the delivery action that should be taken on these emails if DNSBL verification fails. This can be done from the Spam Control menu ...
What are SPF records?
Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records are DNS records that identify the email servers which are permitted to use the particular domain name. This further helps in identifying the spam emails which could be sent by spoofing a valid domain name or an ...
Will group moderators be notified if there are emails awaiting moderation?
By default, the moderators of the group will be notified if there are emails awaiting moderation. To customize your notification preferences, select Groups menu from the Control Panel listing. Select the required group and edit the Advanced ...
How do I change my organization member's location?
Login to, and navigate to the User Details tab. Select the users whose locations you would like to change. Click the Locations menu from the options on the top of the page, and select the required location from the options ...
How do I change my account's profile picture?
To change your profile picture, click the avatar on the right top corner of your mailbox. Click Change that appears over the avatar. The Accounts homepage opens up in a new window. Click the camera icon on your profile picture, select Upload a photo ...
Why aren't emails from my external POP account getting populated in my Zoho mailbox even after adding the account?
Zoho Mail retrieves a maximum of 200 emails per fetch from your POP server. Since the number of emails in your external account will be high initially, it might take about 3 to 5 days for all the emails to be populated in your mailbox. Learn more.
How do I change the primary domain?
In the Control Panel, navigate to the Domains section. Click the Make domain as Primary (Star) icon to the left of the domain name to make this domain your organization's primary domain.
What is a catch-all address?
A catch-all address is one that catches all the emails sent to non-existent email addresses, such as in the case of misspelled email ids. All emails that are addressed to the domain, but don't have the right email id will be received and stored by ...
How do I route my emails to a different server?
If you want to route your emails to a different destination server, you can configure Email Routing from the Control Panel. In the Email Routing section, you can select the domain to enable the delivery options and choose the other preferences. Learn ...
Where can I view the spam emails that are awaiting moderation?
The emails that have been classified as spam by SPF or DKIM failure and for which the option has been set as Move to Quarantine can be moderated. They can be viewed and moderated in the Control Panel >> Spam Control >> Quarantine. Learn more.
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