FAQs on Blueprint
1. Is there a limit to the number of Blueprints I can create in Zoho CRM? Yes. Blueprint is available from the Professional Edition onwards. From Professional edition onwards there is one default Blueprint available in Zoho CRM. However, the allowed ...
Blueprint: A Glossary of Terms
State State refers to each stage in your business process - that is, all the values of the chosen pick-list field. Drag and drop each State in the canvas on your left to begin drawing your Blueprint. Example States: Picklist Values of the Deal Stage ...
Check Blueprint Usage Reports
Blueprint Reports will give you valuable insights about your business processes and their execution and help you streamline them better. Blueprint reports of two types - Built-in reports and Customized reports. Built-in Blueprint Reports Following ...
Saving a Blueprint as a Draft
It so happens that sometimes you are not ready to deploy your final Blueprint into CRM yet, and you need to put some more thought into the process flow. When you publish a Blueprint, you will begin having records entering it - so it's not a good idea ...
Create a Continuous Blueprint
Unlike a regular blueprint, which is suitable for an intermittent process, a continuous blueprint allows you to design a process that occurs without any pauses. For example, call scripting. Scenario A sales organization wishes to create a continuous ...
Cloning a Blueprint
As you build and manage CRM Blueprints for various business processes, there will be situations where some processes are similar in nature. In such cases instead of creating new blueprints from scratch and repeating the stages and details all over ...
Executing a Blueprint
Access My Blueprint Records Once the Blueprint has been configured, records meeting the process criteria will enter the process and the Transition Owners mentioned in the Blueprint will be able to execute their respective Transitions. In order to ...
Designing a Blueprint
Building a process is largely a 3-step procedure. Enter Basic Info: Specify the module , layout and field for which the process should be created. Define the Process Flow: In the Blueprint Editor , define the process flow right from ...
Understanding the Building Blocks
Business Scenario A Blueprint in Zoho CRM is designed to help you execute a business process in a well-defined, systematic manner. With a Blueprint you can, Define every stage in a process and associate the right people with each stage Guide your ...
Blueprint - An Overview
Right from the moment you capture a lead in your CRM system up until deal closure and beyond, your organization may have several sales processes in place. For instance, leads generation and follow-up, deals closure and order management. Each of these ...