Developer API
Is it necessary to send all the parameters in POST?
Yes, you have to send all parameters in POST.
What is the format of the xmlData parameter to associate a task or event to CRM records?
Use the following sample XML for relating an event with the account and contact respectively. Account <Events><row no="1"> <FL val="SEMODULE">Accounts</FL> <FL val="SEID">22222222222</FL> <FL val="Subject">test</FL> <FL val="Start ...
If I am in the Free Edition, how many API requests can I make per day?
In the Free Edition, you can make a maximum of 1000 requests/day/organization. View details of API Limits for other editions.
What is CRM Authentication Token?
The CRM Authentication Token is an encrypted alphanumeric string required to authenticate your Zoho CRM credentials. It is used to integrate your CRM account with third-party software and services. Related Links: Can I generate a new Authentication ...
Can I trigger an email after inserting a lead through API?
Yes, you can do this by creating a workflow to send automated emails when leads come into CRM. When you call the API to insert Leads, please append the parameter "wfTrigger" with the value as "true". Read more about inserting record parameters. This ...
I am inserting a lead using the insertRecords method, but the associated Workflow rule is not triggered. Why?
For the Workflow Rule to be triggered, you need to assign the value true to the wfTrigger parameter. By default, this parameter will be set to false.
Can everyone in a company use the same API Key?
Yes, everyone in your company can use the same API key for development and integration of third-party applications.
What is the format of the xmlData parameter for the insertRecords and updateRecords methods?
Use the following XMLData parameters while using insertRecords and updateRecords methods: insertRecords: https:// xml / Leads /insertRecords?apikey= API Key &ticket= Ticket ticket=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx apikey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ...
Is the API key user-specific or organization-specific?
The Zoho CRM API key is organization-specific. You can use the same API Key for all users with different ticket IDs (user-specific).
What is the format of the xmlData parameter to associate a task or event to CRM records?
Use the following sample XML for relating an event with the account and contact respectively. Accounts<Events><row no="1"> < FL val =" SEMODULE "> Accounts </FL> < FL val ="SEID"> 22222222222 </FL> < FL val ="Subject">test</FL> < FL val ="Start ...
How to assign a new lead to an owner while inserting the lead via API?
While inserting a lead via API, make sure you are specifying the email address of the lead owner. If you use the lead owner's name or user ID, the lead will be assigned to the default login credential used in ticket generation.
How do I retrieve a single Account using getAllRecords?
You can retrieve a single account using the getRecordById method by passing the ID of the record.
If I am using the Enterprise Edition, and I have subscribed for 2 additional users, how many API requests can I make per day?
In Zoho CRM, a single Enterprise Edition user can make a maximum of 25,000 requests per day per organization or 500 users per user license, whichever is lower. The minimum and maximum limits vary according to the edition which the organization is ...
Is it possible to upload and associate an attachment with a record through Zoho CRM API?
Yes. It is possible to associate an attachment with a record through the Zoho CRM API, using the uploadFile method to attach files to records. See Also: uploadFile Method
Is it possible to insert records via HTTP post?
No. The records can only be inserted via XML post. For details, refer to this link
Can I use the Record ID while associating a lookup field with a module?
Yes, you can use the Record ID while associating lookup field with modules (Ex: Associating a campaign with a lead or Account with a Contact).
Can I increase the API limit?
Yes. If the present API limit does not meet your business requirements, you can increase your API limit/day. All you need to do is send us an email to with your requirements and we will get back to you with the pricing details to ...
What happens if I do not specify a value for the newFormat parameter while fetching records?
The default value of "1" will be assigned to the newFormat parameter, if it is not specified while fetching records, i.e newFormat = 1.
What will happen if I do not specify a value for the newFormat parameter while fetching records?
The default value of "1" will be assigned to the newFormat parameter, if it is not specified while fetching records, i.e newFormat = 1.
For the updateRecords method, where can I get the value for record ID?
The value for the unique record ID will be available in the XML response obtained after inserting or fetching the records. For Example: <FL val="Id">508020000016189251</FL>
Is it possible to use the getRelatedRecords method for custom lookup fields?
No, you cannot use the getRelatedRecords method for custom lookup fields. It is possible to use this method to fetch related records for the system defined items. For example: You can get the Tasks/Events/Calls related to an Account, Contact, etc. ...
How do I delete an existing Authentication Token?
To delete an existing Authentication Token: Log in to Click My Profile Info. Go to Sessions and click Active Authtokens. All Auth Tokens generated will be listed here. Select the checkbox(es) of the Auth Tokens you want to delete ...
What will happen if my API limit has been exceeded for the day?
If your API limit has been exceeded for the day, Zoho CRM will not respond to the API calls for the rest of the day. You need to wait till the API limit is reset for the next day. API limits are reset everyday between 12 am and 3 am PST. If the ...
How can I fetch the data from the Leads module to my application using an API?
You can use the Zoho CRM REST API to retrieve data from the Leads module and other modules. Refer to this document for more details.
Can I associate an account or contact while creating a task using an API?
Yes, you can associate a task created through an API with an account or contact. Here is the sample XML for associating a task with an account or contact: <Tasks> <row no='1'> <FL val='Subject'>test 11111111</FL> <FL val='Due ...