How do I change the background color of an entity on the builder?
When you click on the entity you will see the corresponding options for styling on the left side. You can change the background color from the Style properties.
What is the eligibility to use Zoho CRM Canvas?
To use the Canvas Builder, a user should have the Module Customization permission enabled in their profile.
Can I select multiple fields at random in the Data section for drag and drop?
No you cannot select multiple fields for drag and drop. You have to drag and drop the fields one by one.
Can I drag and drop fields in bulk?
You cannot drag and drop fields in bulk. As an alternative, you can add the All Fields option from the Tab element, which contains all the fields in the module. Even if you have missed out on adding any field elsewhere in the Canvas, a user can ...
I have added a custom field to a layout using the module builder after publishing a Canvas page. Will this field now automatically appear in the Canvas page?
No, you will have to add the new field to the Canvas builder manually. For this, go to your Canvas page's builder and add the field to the relevant section. Note that the field will still exist in the CRM system and not be displayed on the Canvas ...
Is the Canvas builder view applicable on mobile app?
The Canvas view for any record detail page is currently not supported in the mobile app yet.
What are elements in the Canvas Builder?
Elements in Zoho CRM Canvas indicates the various options for the representation of data pertaining to a specific record. The Elements available in the Canvas Builder are as follows: i) Section: A simple box or "section" hold a bunch of fields. ...
How do I add sections in the Canvas Builder?
To add sections inside Canvas Builder: 1. In your Canvas Builder, go to the Elements component. 2. Drag and drop the Section element into the builder. You can further add required fields into the section, and resize it as desired.
I have created a simple detail page with Canvas Builder. Can I switch back to the default page at any time?
Yes, you can switch back to default page at any instant by using the Canvas Assignment. When you design a new record detail page using Canvas, you will be offered an option to assign the new page to the desired profiles. For each profile you can ...
What's the incentive for me as an admin and for my organization, to design a page from scratch instead of using the default detail page?
Often when you navigate to your default record detail page, you may find it not only uninteresting but also difficult to zero in on the information you need. The way it is now, the detail page has several sections and demands long scrolls. You have ...
What is the difference between the Canvas builder and module builder in Zoho CRM?
The module builder customizes the operational aspects of a module by adding, removing or reorganizing fields, sections, sub forms, links and buttons. On the other hand, the Canvas builder customizes the visual aspects of a detail page. Using it, ...
What is Zoho CRM Canvas and why do I need it?
Zoho CRM is a powerful system that houses all of your key business data including customer information, employee details, business contracts, sales activities and so on. It helps you streamline business processes, automates routine tasks and enables ...