Audit Log
What is an audit log and how is it helpful?
The audit log keeps a record of the actions that are performed by every user in your CRM account. The audit log displays activities in chronological order. An audit log can help identify which user performed what type of change, as well as what ...
What type of actions are captured in the audit log?
In your audit log, you can view creation, edit, update, delete, import and more. An action is displayed based on the module in which it is performed and the feature where the update is done. Based on module For the Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Deals, ...
Who can access an audit log?
Your audit log can be accessed by all users in your CRM account. The account admin can see the chronological history of activities and actions performed by both themselves and users reporting to them based on the role hierarchy. By default, ...
Where can I see logs from more than 60 days ago?
Currently, we do not have an option to view logs beyond 60 days. Zoho CRM only captures activities and actions of users for 60 days, and any actions logged prior to that are permanently deleted. We recommend you export your audit logs periodically so ...
Can I filter the audit log based on the actions performed or a date range?
Yes, you can filter the entries in the audit log based on the Modules, User, Actions (such as added, updated, and deleted) and a selected date range. Read more of audit log.
Why can't I see my superior's audit log in my account?
Only the CRM account administrator can view everyone's entries in the audit log. Other users can only view their own and their subordinate's actions in the audit log. Read more about viewing audit log.
How can I see the changes made in Workflows in Audit log?
Any action performed in a workflow such as, Create, Edit, Update, Delete, Modify, locking of rules, adding actions, or more will be displayed in the audit log along with the details of who updated, which workflow the update was made, and the name of ...
Can I export the audit log and save it on my local computer?
Yes, audit logs can be exported as a .CSV file and saved on your personal device. To export an audit log, follow these steps: Go to Setup> Data Administration> Audit log Click Export on the right hand corner Click Download at the lower right corner ...
Will I be able to see a user's login history in the audit log?
The Audit log doesn't capture the login history of users in Zoho CRM. It only captures the sequence of actions performed by each user in the chronological order. To view the login history of users you can go to Setup > Zoho Directory > Login History.
FAQs on Audit Logs
1. What is an audit log and how is it helpful? The audit log, also known as the audit trail, keeps a record of all the actions that are performed by every user in your CRM account, displayed in chronological order. An audit log can help identify ...