Approval process
Can only CRM administrators be assigned as approvers?
No, any CRM user can be selected as an approver. These users can be selected from any role, profile, group, or level or the record owner can be selected. The levels available for selection depend on the number of levels defined in the organization's ...
Can automatic actions be assigned to users on approval of records?
Yes, you can configure a set of actions that will take place automatically on each approval, if there are multiple approvers, or on final approval. Actions that can be configured on each approval: fields updates in the record. For example, after each ...
Who receives an email if a record is rejected?
You can configure an email alert to be sent on rejection of a record to different users: Requester's manager: The manager of the requester who submits a record for approval will receive an email alert upon rejection. The manager is the person ...
How is the approval process different from the review process?
In an approval process, the entire record is sent for approval and the approver must check every field and attachment before approving or rejecting the record. In a review process, on the other hand, you can mark the fields that the reviewers must ...
Where can I find the records that are awaiting approval?
Records that are awaiting approval can be viewed on the Approval tab of the My Jobs module. You can approve or reject the records from here. If you are a CRM Administrator, you will also be able to view records that belong to other approvers. As an ...
How can I reorder the rule entries and what happens if I reorder them?
To reorder the rule entries: Go to Setup > Process management > Approval Process. Open an approval process and click on Reorder Rules in the top-right corner. Drag and drop rules to change their execution order. Click on Save New Order. When you ...
How long can a record be in the Rejected state?
A rejected record can be resubmitted for approval within 60 days of rejection. A resubmit button will be displayed in the record detail page.
Where can I view the approval history?
Approval history gives you a list of records that have been submitted for approval. Approvals will be displayed in a chronological order. You can use the module type, user (approver), or status (rejected, approved, delegated, etc.) or time to filter ...
How is a record matched with a rule if it is resubmitted?
When a record is resubmitted, it is checked to see if it matches the criteria of any of the available rule entries in the following order: First, the system will check if the record still matches the criteria of the process from which it was ...
I don't have the permission to edit and manage approval processes. What should I do?
Ask your manager or the CRM Administrator to update your profile permission. To enable profile permission: Go to Setup > Users and Control > Security Control. Click on the profile from the list of profiles. In Profile page, go to Setup ...
Can a user who doesn't have access to the record approve it?
Yes, even if you do not have access to the record you will be able to approve it. Read more about approving records.
Can a record that is approved enter an approval process again?
Yes, it is possible fort a record was previously approved to meet the rule criteria of an approval process due to edits and renter the process. This can happen if the rule criteria is set to create/edit or edit of a record. You will notice that the ...
How does the approval process work when there is more than one approvers?
You can set how the approval must take place by selecting one of the following options: Anyone: Any of the approvers can approve the record. Everyone: All the approvers must approve the record. You can choose if it should be in parallel or in ...
How will I know if a record is waiting for approval? What actions can be performed on the record?
A system generated email alert is sent to the approvers, stating that a record has been submitted and needs their approval. The approver can check the My Jobs module and check the record and then approve, delegate, or reject it. The following will ...
Can I execute an approval process when a record is edited?
Yes, the approval process can be executed when a record is edited. It can also be executed on when a record is created or when a record is either edited or created. Records awaiting approval can be viewed in the My Jobs module. Learn more about the ...
FAQs on Approval process
1. What is an approval process? Approval processes allow organizations to automate the approval of various business activities. For example, an organization may need a senior member to approve sales orders, budgets, capital expenses, discounts, ...