Actions that can be performed
Actions that can be performed by associating the twitter profile Follow the record - Click the twitter icon next to the record name and click Follow. Send a tweet Go to the record details page and click the Social tab. Click Tweet to [Record ...
Configure Social Profile
Social media has completely changed the way we communicate, market, sell and offer customer service. This helps in getting an idea about what your prospects are looking for, what interests them, etc. as they take all their feedbacks and suggestions ...
Email Insights
Any business communication revolves around email communication and it is difficult to figure out how effective your email is. You are filled with these questions like, did he receive my email, did it open it? What if he didn't receive my email? ...
Email Deliverability
Email authentication is a standard technique to improve the deliverability of the emails you send from Bigin using your domain. You can use this process to increase the trustworthiness of the emails sent from your domain thereby lowering the chances ...
Email Sharing
User's emails can be shared with other users in the organization's Bigin account. You can choose to share all the emails or keep your emails private. The email sharing settings can be configured only by the users with the administrator profile. They ...
Configure Organization Emails
When communicating with your customers via email, it's best to make use of the organization's email rather than your own. Your personal email address might be flooded with emails and there is a high change of missing an important mail from your ...
Manage Email Templates
View Template Bigin offers the following views: All Templates - All the templates in your Bigin account will be displayed. Favourites - The templates which you have marked as favourites will be displayed here. Created by me - Only the templates you ...
Create Email Templates
Email templates come in handy when you have to send one email to multiple recipients. You can personalize email templates using Merge fields to populate dynamic content in the email. For instance, you can add contact name, phone, deal stage or any ...
Generate an App-specific Password
What is TFA (Two factor Authentication)? TFA adds a layer of security for your email account as your email and password is not enough for you to login. An unique code will be sent to the registered mobile number and you will be granted access upon ...
Troubleshooting tips for integrating Gmail account via IMAP
While configuring Gmail in Bigin using the IMAP Protocol, you might encounter the following error: 'Looks like the entered password is wrong or 'Allow less secured app access' is turned off in your Gmail account'. In that case, ensure that you do ...
Sending Email from Bigin
You can send emails to your customers from Bigin account even without configuring your own personal email. However, the interactions will not be available inside your Bigin account. Once your email account is configured, email interactions with a ...
Managing Email
One of the major modes of communication in any business is via email. When such is the case, imagine how easy it would be to view all the email conversations related to a contact or account right from Bigin? IMAP Configuration IMAP (Internet Message ...