Zia - Next Best Experience

Zia - Next Best Experience

In today's business scenario, sales is no longer merely a transactional activity; customers tend to make decisions based largely on the experience they gather during their buying journey. When you facilitate a smooth buying experience, you're providing personalized attention to your prospects—thereby ensuring customer conversion, retention, and advocacy.

Businesses thrive on timely communication. At each stage of a pipeline, sales representatives rely on different means of communication for different purposes. Whether it's a voice call to follow up on prospects or a scheduled meeting to demonstrate your product—or even sending quotations via email—establishing punctual and contextual communication will enhance your relationship with prospects, boost their experience, and encourage them to take action.

However, owing to the presence of multiple open deals—each at different stages—it is challenging for sales representatives to inspect closed deals and come up with communication strategies to provide the next best experience.

Zia is here to help you identify the next best experience for your open deals and guide you with suggestions at each stage of the customer journey.

Zia Next Best Experience

With Zia's Next Best Experience enabled, Zia monitors all open and active deals present in your organization. It will analyze the deal stage and identify the next best experience that you can provide and prompts you to take action.
For example, decision-making is an important stage in a sales pipeline that will solidify your relationship with your prospects. During this stage, understanding the client's roadblocks and providing them with informative guides, testimonials, or handbooks will help guide their decisions. When prospects enter this stage, Zia's Next Best Experience feature might prompt you to email the prospect within two days, based on historical data. This way, you can determine that an email results in the best experience for that stage, and if it's sent within 10 days, the chances of engagement are fairly high.


Permission required

All users can view this recommendation. Users with administrative privileges can enable it for the organization.

Zia - Next Best Experience feature is available only for 
  1. Organizations with 20 user licenses and more.
  2. Organizations in US, EU, IN, CN and AU DCs.

How are these suggestions computed?

Zia studies closed deals and analyzes how long it took for similar deals to progress from one stage to another. After collecting the required information, Zia correlates patterns and behaviors, such as industry, deal type, repeat customers, and more to suggest your next moves.
Thus, with Zia's Next Best Experience suggestion, you can salvage deals that you're on the verge of losing and keep the winning deals on track.

  1. Suggestions are available only in the Deals module and will be displayed only for the open deals that are active. Deals that remain dormant and inactive before this feature is enabled will not receive suggestions.
  2. It takes 24 hours for Zia to learn and suggest the actions for your ongoing deals.
  3. A minimum of 500 deals that are closed won, each with five activities—calls, emails, meetings or tasks—are required for Zia to learn and show suggestions.
  4. Zia suggests the actions you should take and the timeline within which you should take them based on historical data, which you cannot modify.
  5. If you miss the timeline suggested by Zia, or if you receive an incoming correspondence from the prospects before you take an action, Zia re-calibrates its findings and provides a new suggestion.

View and act upon Next Best Experience suggestions

Zia's Next Best Experience suggestions are displayed as a widget inside the deal. Based on the stage, Zia provides three types of calls to action.

Arrange a meeting

Schedule a call

Send an email

By clicking on these call-to-action prompts, you can directly schedule a meeting, make a call, or compose an email.
If deal correspondences are already going at the right pace and Zia predicts no action at that moment, then the widget will display the following message: No actions required; you're on track.

  1. To make a call, your CRM organization must have telephony service integrated. See also: Telephony in Zoho CRM
  2. To send an email from your CRM organization, you must have the new email configuration integrated. See alsoEmail configuration for IMAP and POP

Enable Next Best Experience

To enable Next Best Experience
  1. Go to Setup > Zia > Recommendation > System Recommendation.
  2. In the System Recommendations page, toggle Next best experience for deal closure.

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