Zia - An Overview

Zia - An Overview

In today's world, businesses deal with mammoth sizes of data that come from multiple sources. It could be a simple phone enquiry that you just had, a new follower on your Facebook page or a bounced email in your marketing campaign. Making sense of such data would mean the world to you, because it is this huge pile of data in which lies a huge business opportunity.

Zia is an AI-driven sales assistant for Zoho CRM. She optimizes your CRM data through data mining and machine learning to deliver key business information such as sales predictions, suggestions, and alerts. It is not only based on what goes into the system, but Zia even learns how each salesperson uses Zoho CRM from all her analysis. With Zia, you can understand your customer's behavior and deliver personalized marketing campaigns and other services that can help you improve sales.

Following are Zia's functionalities:
  1. Zia Voice - Chat with Zia to get instant answers for questions related to any module in Zoho CRM.
  2. Best Time to Contact - Always be aware of the best time to reach your contacts and waste no time in waiting for a reply.
  3. Conversion Prediction - Maintain a strong sales pipeline by knowing the chances of your leads getting converted and deals winning.
  4. Trend Analysis - View key business metric trends and be notified of anomalies.
  5. Macros Suggestions - Save time by saving auto-suggested macros. Zia smartly suggests macros based on your CRM activities.
  6. Workflow Anomalies and Suggestions - Zia helps you with workflow related notifications to tell you how effective they are and to avoid mistakes from happening through your workflow rules.
  7. Data Enrichment - Keep your CRM data complete and updated.
Enabling and Disabling Zia Features

All Zia related features are enabled by default in your Zoho CRM account. 

Disable Zia Feature

You can disable Zia notifications altogether or for select features at any point for your organization, after which you will stop receiving notifications from Zia. The notifications that you have received from Zia thus far will be accessible for upto 15 days after which they will disappear.

To disable Zia related features:
  1. Go to Setup Zia > Notifications.
  2. In the Notifications page, toggle the button for individual notification.

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