With Ytel extension (formerly known as Message 360) for Zoho CRM, you can now send message to Leads and Contacts right from inside Zoho CRM. You can also create templates for the messages. You can also view all the Ytel account details along with the numbers present and list of outbound and inbound messages.
Note: Ytel had deprecated v3 API so we have upgraded our extension with v4 APIs. So, kindly create a new Ytel API v4 token and configure the same in your extension.
Install Ytel
You can either go to the Zoho Marketplace and install the Ytel extension or log in to your Zoho CRM account and install.
To install Ytel extension
- Go to Setup > Marketplace > All.
- All the installed extensions are listed. Under All Extensions you can view all the extensions supported in CRM.
- Click All Extensions, browse through for Ytel and click it.
The details about the extension will be available. - Click Install.
- Log in if required and click Continue to Install.
- Agree the terms and conditions and click Continue to Install.
- Choose one of the following and click Confirm.
- Install for admin only - The extension will be installed in CRM for only the users with the administrator profile.
- Install for all users - The extension will be installed in CRM for all the users. Users need to have an Ytel account to use this feature.
- Choose profiles - The extension will be installed in CRM for all the users. You need to choose this option, click Continue and then select the profile
The extension will be installed automatically for the specified users. After installing you need to authorize using your Ytel login credentials.
- Copy the Auth Token and the Account Sid from the Ytel Dashboard and paste them.
The account will be authorized and the extension can be used.
Send Messages
With the Ytel extension for Zoho CRM you can now send messages to your Leads and Contacts right from inside Zoho CRM.
To create message template
- Go to SMS Templates tab.
- Click + to create a new template.
- Give the template a name.
- Specify other fields like Email address, which CRM module it belongs to, Owner, Currency and Email OptOut option.
- Then type the message content in the Template Message field box.
- Click Save.
- Go to Leads or Contacts module.
- Click on the record for which you want to send the message.
You can also select multiple records and send messages to them at one go. - Select the number From which you want to send the message.
- Click Send SMS.
- Add Recipients to send the message if needed.
- Choose Template from the drop-down list.
- Edit the message, if needed.
- To insert fields, select the required field and it will be inserted into the message.
You can also view the history of messages in the SMS History tab.
Users who can also send messages to your new contacts using the Ytel integration. This can be accomplished through workflow custom functions in CRM. Write your own custom function using our Deluge script editor in your CRM and associate it with the workflow rule. See Also: Deluge Script Reference guide
To program a custom function
- Click Setup > Automation > Workflow Automation > Custom Function.
- In the Workflow Custom Functions page, click Configure Custom Function.
- In the Configure Custom Function page, choose Write your own function option.
- Write your required function in the Deluge Script Editor.
You can use the following custom function script.
- //Note: the custom function should have "record_id" parameter
- // getting record info from Leads or Contacts using the record_id
- record_info = zoho.crm.getRecordById("Leads", record_id);
- // getting "Mobile" field value from the record_info (you can also get "Phone" field)
- mobile = record_info.get("Mobile");
- if (isNull(mobile)) {
- // returning since the mobile number is empty
- return;
- }
- // trim function will remove the white spaces at the start and at the end of the mobile number.
- mobile = mobile.trim();
- // getting account_sid and authtoken of message360 from extension settings
- account_sid = zoho.crm.getOrgVariable("message360.account_sid");
- authtoken = zoho.crm.getOrgVariable("message360.authtoken");
- // message360 send sms API URL
- apiurl = " https://api.message360.com/api/v2/sms/sendsms.json";
- // configure from number with country code
- fromcountrycode = "1";
- from_no = "<FROM_NUMNER>";
- // configure to number country code
- tocountrycode = "1";
- to_no = mobile; // setting variable "mobile" as to number
- // enter the SMS text
- sms_message = "Hi, This is test SMS from Zoho CRM.";
- if (!isNull(account_sid) && !isNull(authtoken)) {
- // doing base64 encoding for account_sid and authtoken for authenticate message360.com
- baseEncoded = zoho.encryption.base64Encode(account_sid+":"+authtoken);
- baseEncoded = "Basic " + baseEncoded;
- headers = map();
- headers.put("Authorization", baseEncoded);
- // setting all required parameters to the map for sending SMS
- request_data = map();
- request_data.put("fromcountrycode", fromcountrycode);
- request_data.put("from", from_no);
- request_data.put("tocountrycode", tocountrycode);
- request_data.put("to", to_no);
- request_data.put("body", sms_message);
- // calling message360 api using the given parameters
- resp = postUrl(apiurl, request_data, headers, false);
- // you can use resp_status for failure handling
- resp_status = resp.get("responseCode");
- info resp_status;
- }
Click Save.
To associate the above custom function to a workflow rule
- Click Setup > Automation > Workflow Automation > Rules.
- In the Workflow Rules page, click Create Rule.
- In the Create New Rule tab, specify workflow rule parameters.
- Select the Custom Function to be triggered, under Instant Actions.
- Click Save.
- You can now send SMS to your new Leads/Contacts using the Ytel integration.
Uninstall Ytel
When you wish to uninstall Ytel extension, please note that all the data will be deleted on uninstalling and it cannot be recovered.
To uninstall Ytel
- Go to Setup > Marketplace > All.
All the installed extensions are listed. Under All Extensions you can view all the extensions supported in CRM. - Browse for message360 and click the corresponding Uninstall link.
- Click Ok to confirm.
The extension will be uninstalled and all the data related to Ytel will be deleted.