Workflow Report

Workflow Report

Configuring workflow rules makes it easier to manage sales, marketing or support related activities by automating the entire process. While configuring workflows, you define a specific set of conditions based on which either a rule is applied or its not applied on the records. Most certainly, before configuring a rule you will have a vague idea about the number of records that can satisfy the criteria you have mentioned. But in order to get concrete insight on the rule's performance, you should know the number of records that pass through each of these configuration levels to decide if the execution criteria works effectively. 

The workflow usage report is designed to give you record counts at each configuration stage in a workflow rule. For example, you can view the number of records that qualify a particular trigger, the total number of records that satisfy a given condition, record count for an instant or scheduled actions. 

Consider that you have configured a rule to 'send email' to all the prospects who have recently attended a conference. The rule is triggered and the emails are sent  but you have no idea about the number of emails that were sent , whether any emails bounced, etc. With workflow reports you can see the exact number of emails that were sent, unsent, bounced, unopened, clicked, etc.  For the emails that were bounced, you can also click on them to find which record it belongs to and retry sending to an alternate email address or rectify the existing one before sending. 

Retry failed Actions

Workflow reports categorize the success and failure rate of the actions that are performed. While the success rate implies that the action is executed without any issues, the failure rate indicates the inability to execute the action. An action can fail due to reasons like  incorrect email address, exceeding the email limit for the day, or any functionality glitch in the webhook or custom functions, etc . These failure insights are displayed along with the reason for failure and details of the associated record. With the failure list view, you can see which actions have failed and the reason for their failure. This helps to fix the error and then retry the actions for all records or an individual record. 

Before proceeding with the retry action, you will be prompted to choose 2 determinants -  Retry Action with  and  Perform workflow condition check before retrying. 
  1. Retry Action with  - to determine which data to consider before running retry action. 
    1. Field Values from previous try  - This option is helpful if you want to retry the failed actions with the old field values. For example, if the reason for failure is because of connection issue or exhaustion of email limit for the day, then a simple retry later with old data will be sufficing.
    2. Current field value  - This option is helpful if you want to retry failed actions with the updated field values. For example, if the email address is incorrect, you can fix it and select the current field value option, to retry using the updated value. 
  2. Perform workflow condition check before retrying - to choose if you want to run the workflow condition again before retrying the failed actions or not.
  1. Yes  - Selecting Yes , you will allow the workflow rules to check the record(s) condition against the configured rule and retry if it is satisfied. This will validate the updated values if they are applicable for the rules.
  1. No Selecting No , will allow to directly proceed with the retry action without performing the workflow conditions.
Users with  Manage automation permission  or  administrators  will be able to retry these failed actions.

In scenarios where you do not want to retry the action(s) or curb other users with workflow permission from retrying the action, you can choose to exclude the action from retrying. When you choose to exclude, you will be prompted by a mandatory field to provide the reason for exclusion, thus helping other users to understand the reason for excluding an action from retry. For example, you can exclude the failed actions of an old campaign from retrying.  If you want the excluded records to be included again, you can choose to include the actions again to retry. For example, if you have excluded a failed action by mistake, you can include it again to retry.

Notes :
  1. The retry action is available only for the following automated action:
    1. Email notifications
    2. Webhooks
    3. Custom Functions
The failed metrics for Email notifications, will be shown in terms of number of emails that  Bounced . While for Webhooks and Custom Functions, it is displayed as Success and  Failure rate .
  1. The  number of retry  counts will increase, every time the retry action fails.
  2. For an action, a maximum of  5  retry can be done.
  3. If the retry action is successful the entry will be automatically removed from the list.
  4. Each failed action of a record is listed as a separate action item. Therefore, the failure statistics will provide the number of failures and number of unique records distinctively. (Example: 3 failed email actions, 1 Unique Lead(s)). This allows you to select a specific action item to retry.
  5. For users who do not have the permission to access a particular module the failed report will not show the record details for that user, rather it will be displayed as  View Record  option in the record details. 
  6. The retry option will be available only for the failed emails sent to external domains (that is lead or a customer). It will not be shown for failed emails that are sent to CRM users, roles, and groups.

To view the workflow reports,

  1. Go to  Set up > Automation > Workflow Rules.
  2. From the workflow rules list view, select the rule whose report and configuration you want to view. The report appears first.
To view the configuration of workflow rules, click the  View Configurations button in the top-right corner of the page.

To retry the failed workflow actions

  1. Click on the  failed record count.
  2. Hover on the record on the action you want to retry. 
    Understand and resolve the reason for failure
    1. And, Click  Retry.   
    2. Alternatively, you can select multiple records and click  Retry .   
  3. Under  Retry action with , do the following: 
    1. Select  Field values from previous try , if you want to retry with the existing data. 
    2. Select  Current Field Value , if you want to retry using the updated field value.
  4. Under  Perform workflow condition check before retrying ,  
    1. Select  Yes , to run the workflow condition check to the record after the update. 
    2. Select  No , to proceed to retry the action. 
  5. Click the  Retry  button, to schedule the retry action.  
To exclude the record(s) for retry
  1. Select the failed action you want to exclude from retry. 
  2. Click the  Exclude the retry  button 
  3. Provide the  reason for exclusion  and click  Exclude from Retry .  
To include the excluded failed action(s) to retry,
  1. Select the excluded failed action.  
  2. Click the  Include in retry  button.  
Points to remember
  1. You can view the past report of a rule by clicking the dropdown list in your workflow reports page. You can also use the filter to view rules for the past days (past 7 days, past 30 days) or define a custom date range for up to 7 days.
  1. The record count cannot be computed for the following triggers:
  1. Field update
  2. Based on score
  3. Date/Time field
  4. Cancellation of an event
  1. When you change from one condition to another like Create to Edit or Create to Delete and vice-versa, then the report will be reset and the data will be shown from the last modified date. The record count will be computed based on the new condition.
  2. If you deactivate a workflow rule the tracking will be paused and resumed from the same count, once the rule is re-activated.
  3. If you have set a workflow rule for incoming emails that are received from unknown users and set either functions or webhook as actions, then these action will be performed on the email as the user's record is not yet added to the CRM. 
  4. In the above case, if you set the action to record creation, then the subsequent actions will be performed on the record.
  5. If a condition is edited then the record count will be reset for the entire report.
  6. For actions the record count will be computed from the time when the action is associated to a workflow.
  7. Tagging of records will be performed as per the feature's limitation in CRM (10 tags/record). Therefore, once the record reaches a maximum limit for tagging, the remaining tags will be shown under the failure count. For example, if a record already has 5 tags and through workflow rule it should add 7 more tags, then based on the limitation only 5 more tags will be added and the remaining 2 tags will be listed under the failure count.
  8. You can view the failure count for email notifications, functions, and webhooks. The following reasons for an email failure will be captured: email opt-out, internal process failure, and per day limit for sending email reached and bounced. 

To view workflow usage

  1. In  Workflow Rules , either create a new rule or select an existing rule.
  2. In the  Rule criteria  page, click  View Usage  at the right-hand side bottom of the page.
  3. In the report, you can view the workflow usage for the configured execution type, conditions, and actions.
    You can click the  Close  icon (  ) to exit the usage report page and view the respective workflow rule.
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