If you receive an authentication error, make sure that you've entered the right credentials for the account, and that the user hasn't changed the password of the source account while the migration is in progress. Refer this help page for more ...
Make sure that you have a free space that is equal to twice the size of the data to be migrated. This is a cautionary measure so that your migration doesn't get suspended due to insufficient storage. Learn more.
The migration speed varies for each organization and user depending on several factors such as the bandwidth of the server, the size of data to be migrated, source connections accepted by the server and the latency between the Zoho servers and the ...
Zoho Mail supports IMAP Access. You can configure the Zoho Mail Account in Outlook email client via IMAP. You need to select manual configuration and provide the following details in the Advanced Configuration Setup. Incoming Server Details: Server ...
If you are accessing the download link from your desktop client or from another non-Zoho account, the download will be denied. You need to log in or authenticate Zoho Mail in the browser and try accessing the email. On successful authentication, you ...