What will happen to the reminders if I deselect a chosen country or delete a private holiday in my campaign calendar?
What will happen to the reminders if I deselect a chosen country or delete a private holiday in my campaign calendar?
Reminders of the deleted private holiday won't be triggered and also all the reminders linked to the holidays of a country won't be triggered if you deselect that particular country.
The calendar is a space where you can set reminders, and create draft campaigns for upcoming holidays or events. It already contains all major holidays by country and you can create private holidays for specific dates. You will be notified to create ...
All campaigns that were sent and scheduled to be sent can be seen in the calendar view. You can use the Campaign filter and Holiday filter to customize your calendar view.
The holiday season is the part of the year that we all look forward to as it is filled with festivities. Its major events include Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, Boxing Day, and New Year's Eve/Day. Many marketers ...
While holidays spell fun and frolic for some, for others they mean more work. When it comes to email marketers, the holidays are a time to buckle up for increased marketing activity. Every holiday season tests the nerves of email marketers. Their ...