What will happen to new records which do not meet the criteria for any of the assignment rules?

What will happen to new records which do not meet the criteria for any of the assignment rules?

If a record does not match any of the criteria, it will be assigned to the default user.

During the assignment rule configuration, the users, roles, groups to assign the records to are entered in Rule Entry. If you select multiple users, roles, or groups, the records will be assigned in a round robin fashion. Once the conditions and the rules are framed, the tool will ask you to select a default user. A default user can be the currently logged in user or any user with the required permissions. If no default user is selected, then the records that do not meet the criteria are assigned to the logged in user.

The definition of the logged in user depends on the type of record creation:
  1. Import: The user who initiates the import.
  2. API: The user whose auth-token is used in the API.
  3. Webform: The user who created the webform rule.

However, if that user is deactivated or deleted, the super admin is treated as the logged in user instead.
Read more about setting assignment rules for incoming records.
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