What kind of restrictions can be set for the PHI fields under HIPAA Compliance?

What kind of restrictions can be set for the PHI fields under HIPAA Compliance?

A total of 25 fields in each module can be marked as personal health data containing fields. Once marked, there are certain restrictions that can be set to prevent unauthorized access to the sensitive values present in the fields.

Note: Lookup, multi-select lookup, and autonumber fields cannot be marked as personal health data.

The following restrictions can be set on the PHI fields:

  • Restrict data access through API: Other applications can connect with CRM using API, and data can be transferred. You can ensure that personal health data of your customers is not shared in the process, by restricting transfer of personal health data to other applications via API.

  • Restrict data export: While exporting data from the CRM account, you may want to withhold personal health information from being exported by checking this option.

  • Restrict data transfer to Zoho apps: If the CRM account is integrated with other Zoho applications like Desk, Campaigns, and Projects, the data will flow from CRM to these applications. This option will prevent personal health data from being transferred to other apps. 

The following table will provide you with the details of the various integrations and the implications when personal data is restricted. There are certain fields that are mandatory for integration, such as Email for the Zoho Project integration. If you mark email as a personal field, the data will not be sent from CRM to Projects. 

Integrations with Zoho Apps

Integrations with Zoho Apps

Fields mandatory for the integration

What happens when personal health data is restricted?

Zoho Desk

Last Name and Email

Data will not be pushed from Zoho CRM.

Zoho Projects


Client user will not be added through project creation or association.

Zoho Finance Suite

Last Name and Email

Data will not be pushed from Zoho CRM.

Zoho Campaigns


Data will not be pushed from Zoho CRM.

Zoho Recruit


Data will not be pushed from Zoho CRM.

Zoho Cliq


Details other than those from the personal fields will be shared via Zoho Cliq.

Zoho Analytics


If one of the previously synced field is restricted, then reports based on those fields will be deleted.

Zoho Writer



Zoho Motivator



Zoho Creator



Zoho Mail



Zoho Calendar



Zoho Social



Zoho Sales IQ



Zoho Survey



  • Restrict data transfer to third party apps: If your CRM account is integrated with third-party applications for business related reasons, there will be chances of data flow from CRM to these apps. This option will prevent personal health data from being transferred to other apps.

Integrations with Third-party Apps

Integrations with Other Apps

Fields mandatory for the integration

What happens when personal health data is restricted?

Microsoft Office 365

First Name

As First Name cannot be marked as a personal field, the integration will work as usual.

Microsoft Outlook

First Name

As First Name cannot be marked as a personal field, the integration will work as usual.

Google Contacts

First Name

As First Name cannot be marked as a personal field, the integration will work as usual.



Details other than those from the personal fields will be shared via Slack.

Android or iOS Speech Recognizer (Zia Voice)


Only call to Zia action will be disabled; the chat with Zia option will work as usual.

To set restrictions on PHI fields

  1. Go to Setup Users and Controls > Compliance Settings.

  2. Click the HIPAA Compliance tab.

  3. Toggle the Enable HIPAA Compliance Settings button.

  4. Select the modules from the dropdown list.

  5. You can select up to 10 modules.

  6. In Personal Health Data Handling, toggle Restrict Data access through API, Restrict Data in Export, or both, as required.

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