What is the format of the xmlData parameter for the insertRecords and updateRecords methods?
Use the following XMLData parameters while using insertRecords and updateRecords methods:
insertRecords: https:// crm.zoho.com/crm/private/ xml / Leads /insertRecords?apikey= API Key &ticket= Ticket
- ticket=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- apikey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- xmlData= as given below
- <Leads>
<row no="1">
< FL val ="Lead Source">Web Download</FL>
< FL val ="First Name">contacto 1</FL>
< FL val ="Last Name">apellido</FL>
< FL val ="Email"> testing@testing.com < /FL >
< FL val ="Title">Manager</FL>
< FL val ="Phone">1234567890</FL>
< FL val ="Home Phone">0987654321</FL>
< FL val ="Other Phone">1212211212</FL>
< FL val ="Fax">02927272626</FL>
< FL val ="Mobile">292827622</FL>
updateRecords: https://crm.zoho.com/crm/private/xml/Leads/updateRecords?apikey=API Key&ticket=Ticket
- ticket=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- apikey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- id = 1000000019001
- xmlData= as given below
- <Leads>
<row no="1">
<FL val="Lead Source">Web Download</FL>
<FL val="First Name">contacto 1</FL>
<FL val="Last Name">apellido</FL>
<FL val="Email">testing@testing.com</FL>
<FL val="Title">Manager</FL>
<FL val="Phone">1234567890</FL>
<FL val="Home Phone">0987654321</FL>
<FL val="Other Phone">1212211212</FL>
<FL val="Fax">02927272626</FL>
<FL val="Mobile">292827622</FL>