What is the CustomQ and how does it work?

What is the CustomQ and how does it work?

CustomQ is a form of scheduling that helps your Brand maintain a consistent posting schedule and avoid overlaps. Your Brand's CustomQ can consist of unique publishing slots for every day of the week.

To get started with CustomQ, a Brand or Portal Admin can set it up for each Brand by following these steps:
  1. Go to Settings —> Publishing —> Queue Settings

  2. Just create CustomQ slots by adding time slots for each day of the week
  3. You can also choose to clone slots from any day to other days
  4. Once you've set up CustomQ slots for a Brand, you and your team will be able to select the CustomQ option from the Queue tab in the New Post window to add posts to the CustomQ. Selecting this option will queue the post for the next available slot. At one point of time, only one post can be queued to a CustomQ slot. After you've added a post to the CustomQ, the next post that you want to add to the CustomQ will be queued for the next available slot and so on.
As long as you CustomQ posts, no two CustomQ'd posts can be scheduled for an overlapping time slot. However, you and your team can still use the Schedule tab to select the same time and date as a CustomQ'd post.

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