What is robots.txt and what should I put here? How do I hide a page from Google results?

What is robots.txt and what should I put here? How do I hide a page from Google results?

Robots Text is a way of informing Google whether or not to index a page. All pages on your site will be indexed by default. You will have to modify the robots.txt file to prevent pages from appearing on Google search results.To modify the robots.txt to hide pages from Google results:

  1. Open the Manage menu and select Settings.

  2. Click the robots.txt  option below the SEO section in the menu on the left.

  3. Copy and paste this format in the robots.txt box: Disallow: /"PageName".html

  4. Replace the "PageName" text with the name of the page.

       Note: To learn more, read this blog on crawlers.