What is auto-tagging and why should I enable it?

What is auto-tagging and why should I enable it?

Auto-tagging is a feature by which Google appends a GCLID (Google Click Identifier) at the end of the destination URL. The destination URL is nothing but the landing page that the ad leads the user to when they click it.

When you enable auto-tagging, Zoho CRM will be able to track,

  • All the AdWords keyword that brought a lead/contact to your site
  • The campaign that keyword was used in
  • The cost of that click
This is important in order to track what happens on your website after a user clicks on your ad.​

Here is an example of a GCLID>> URL: http://www.example.com/?gclid=TeSter-123.

To know more about GCLID and auto-tagging, visit: Auto-tagging

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