What is a role in Bigin?

What is a role in Bigin?

Companies mostly follow a hierarchical arrangement where employees are categorized based on their roles like CEO, Vice President, COO, Manager, Sales Rep, etc.
Roles in Bigin let you replicate that hierarchical arrangement in your account. Users at a higher level in the hierarchy can always access the records of users below them in the hierarchy. But users at a lower level cannot view the data owned by users who are above them in the role hierarchy. In short, roles determine the data access for users (the records that they can access).

For example, in the above diagram of the role hierarchy in Bigin, the Sales Manager can view the data of the Sales Reps but the Sales Reps cannot view the data of the Sales Manager. Similarly, the Sales Manager cannot view the data of the CEO but the CEO can view the data of the Sales Manager and the Sales Reps.In addition to this structure, there is also an option for users in the same role to access each other's data. .
CEO and Manager roles are already created by default. You can edit the roles if needed.
To create roles
  1. Go to Setup > Users and Control > Roles.
  2. Click + New Role.
  3. In the New role page:
    1. Enter the Role name.
    2. Select the immediate superior from the Reports to dropdown list.
    3. Enable the checkbox to allow users in the same role to view each others' data.
    4. Use the Description field to add any additional information about this role.

    5. Click Save.

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