What is a profile in Bigin?

What is a profile in Bigin?

Profiles help you define what actions can be performed by a user. For example, a Sales Manager will be performing a lot of administrative tasks like adding new users, importing records, exporting data, creating workflows, etc., whereas the Sales Reps do not need access to administrative functions, as their day-to-day tasks are actions more like adding contacts, sending emails, setting up meetings, and creating deals.
With the help of profiles, you can create a profile for Sales Reps that limits their actions to only the tasks they need to perform. Similarly, you can create a profile for the Sales Managers that will give them access to all the administrative features in Bigin.
There are two default profiles available. They can be customized but cannot be deleted.
  1. Administrator: This profile grants access to all the features in your Bigin account.
  2. Standard: This profile grants limited access to features in Bigin.
To create profiles
  1. Go to Setup > Users and Control > Profiles.
  2. Click + New Profile.
  3. In the Create New Profile page:
    1. Enter the Profile Name.
    2. Choose the profile from the Clone From dropdown list.
      This will clone the profile permissions of the chosen profile.
    3. Use the Description field to add any additional information about this profile.
    4. Click Save.

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