What are unique reference fields?

What are unique reference fields?

Unique fields help Bigin identify the parent record of the record that is being imported. For example, the Contact Name field in the Deals module identifies the record in the Contacts module that the deal is associated with.
A list of standard unique fields in Bigin:
Module Name
Field Name 
Company Name
Deal Name
Product Name
Fields like Contact ID, Company ID, and Deal ID are generated in Bigin when records are exported. These values are useful for importing records which have been previously exported from Bigin.
Here is a list of the system-generated unique fields in Bigin: 
Module Name
Field Name
Contact ID
Company ID
Deal ID
Product ID
Users can create a maximum of two additional custom unique fields per module.
Please note that unique fields are not case-sensitive. For example, if the unique field's value in the import file is "ABC" and in an existing record it is "abc", Bigin will still identify this as a match. 
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