What are the various features available to manage my Contacts?

What are the various features available to manage my Contacts?

The various contact tools are:

Import My Contacts: You can import contacts from external file in xls, csv or vcf formats and with size not to exceed 5 MB. You can import the XLS, VCF, or CSV format files up to 1500 records. Beyond 1500 records, you can only use the CSV format files.
Mass Delete Contacts: You can delete a group of contacts using this tool. For example, you can delete the entire contacts for a particular company added in your Contacts.
Mass Update Contacts: You can update details to a group of contacts using this tool.

Mass Email Contacts: You can send a maximum of 250 bulk emails per day, per company.
Export Contacts: Just click on this link “Export Contacts” and you will get an excel file with all your contacts. You can save this file in your system.

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