You can subscribe to this event if you wish to be notified when an operator replies to the chat initiated by the visitor.
You can subscribe to this event if you wish to be notified when a visitor replies.
You can subscribe to this event if you wish to be notified when a chat conversation ends.
- Payload:
- {
- "id": "17000000004021",
- "visitor_conversation_id": "ad433hjdid546f8n4b734j4omfhjsrwnet46fklf7",
- "reference_id": "1",
- "opened_time": "1556866331533",
- "attended_time": "1556866331553",
- "end_time": "1556866331929",
- "missed_time": "1556866333232",
- "app_id": "30185567778889",
- "department_id": "301050000004",
- "owner": {
- "id": "30102333033335",
- "name": "Patricia",
- "email_id": ""
- },
- "visitor":{
- "email_id":"",
- "phone":"12344354",
- "name":"Tricia",
- "type" : "contact",
- "id": "30000000090034"
- },
- "question": "Hi, I need some assistance in buying a dining set.",
- "supervisors": [
- "30102333033336",
- "30102333033337"
- ],
- "participants": [
- "30102333033336",
- "30102333033337"
- ],
- "status": "Closed",
- "chat_status": {
- "status_code": [
- "1,2"
- ],
- "state": [
- "1,2,3,4"
- ],
- "label": "Attended by Email"
- }
- }
You can subscribe to this event if you wish to be notified when the visitor rate or provide feedback for the chat conversation they had with the operator.
- Payload for rating:
- {
- "rating": 4,
- "feedback": "Good support",
- "owner": {
- "id": "30102333033335",
- "name": "Patricia",
- "email_id": ""
- },
- "visitor":{
- "email_id":"",
- "phone":"12344354",
- "name":"Tricia",
- "type" : "contact",
- "id": "30000000090034"
- }
- }
- Payload for feedback:
- {
- "entity_type": "conversation",
- "org_id": "55778119",
- "event": "conversation.rated",
- "entity_id": "40526000001808033",
- "attempt": 1,
- "version": "1",
- "app_id": 40526000000002040,
- "entity": {
- "owner": {
- "name": "Patricia",
- "email_id": ""
- "id": "40526000000002001"
- },
- "feedback": "Awesome support from the reps!",
- "id": "40526000001808033",
- "status": "Ended",
- "visitor":{
- "email_id":"",
- "phone":"12344354",
- "name":"Tricia",
- "type" : "contact",
- "id": "30000000090034"
- }
- },
- "event_time": "1567065865617"
- }
There are two different types of event in the Webhooks: Data and administration. The departments is an administration event, you can subscribe to the event and get notified when a new department is created, updated or deleted.
List of department events:
- department.created
- department.deleted
- department.updated
You can subscribe to this event if you wish to notify whenever a new department is created inside the portal.
- Payload:
- {
- "entity_type": "department",
- "org_id": "55778119",
- "event": "department.created",
- "entity_id": "40526000001808025",
- "attempt": 1,
- "version": "1",
- "entity": {
- "is_enabled": "true",
- "created_time": "1571032858870",
- "modified_time": "1571032858870",
- "operators": [
- "6000000000005"
- ],
- "is_system_generated": "false",
- "name": "Support",
- "is_public": "true",
- "email_configurations": {
- "missedchat_recipients": "",
- "cc_recipients": "",
- "is_blockip_mail_enabled": "true",
- "from_email": "",
- "transcript_recipients": "",
- "is_feedback_mail_enabled": "true",
- "blockip_recipients": "",
- "feedback_recipients": "",
- "is_missedchat_mail_enabled": "true",
- "is_cc_mail_enabled": "true",
- "is_transcript_mail_enabled": "true"
- },
- "description": "A team to support the visitors on your site",
- "id": "6000000009015",
- "display_name": "Zylker-support",
- "created_by": "6000000000005"
- },
- "event_time": "1567065647511"
- }
You can subscribe to this event if you wish to get notified when a department is deleted in the portal.
- Payload:
- {
- "entity_type": "department",
- "org_id": "55778119",
- "event": "department.deleted",
- "entity_id": "40526000001808025",
- "attempt": 1,
- "version": "1",
- "event_time": "1567065647511"
- }
You can subscribe to this event if you wish to get notified when a details in the department is updated.
- Payload:
- {
- "entity_type": "department",
- "org_id": "55778119",
- "event": "department.updated",
- "entity_id": "40526000001808025",
- "attempt": 1,
- "version": "1",
- "entity": {
- "is_enabled": "true",
- "created_time": "1571032858870",
- "modified_time": "1571032858870",
- "operators": [
- "6000000000005"
- ],
- "is_system_generated": "false",
- "name": "Support",
- "is_public": "true",
- "email_configurations": {
- "missedchat_recipients": "",
- "cc_recipients": "",
- "is_blockip_mail_enabled": "true",
- "from_email": "",
- "transcript_recipients": "",
- "is_feedback_mail_enabled": "true",
- "blockip_recipients": "",
- "feedback_recipients": "",
- "is_missedchat_mail_enabled": "true",
- "is_cc_mail_enabled": "true",
- "is_transcript_mail_enabled": "true"
- },
- "description": "A team to support the visitors on your site",
- "id": "6000000009015",
- "display_name": "Zylker-support",
- "created_by": "6000000000005"
- },
- "event_time": "1567065647511"
- }
There are two different types of events in the Webhooks: Data and administration. The Operators are an administration event, you can subscribe to this and get notified when an operator event is performed.
List of Operator events:
- operator.created
- operator.updated
- operator.deleted
- operator.departments.associated
- operator.departments.dissociated
You can subscribe to this event if you wish to get notified whenever a new operator is added to your organization.
- {
- "entity_type": "operator",
- "org_id": "15188410",
- "event": "operator.created",
- "entity_id": "115000000029087",
- "attempt": 1,
- "version": "1",
- "entity": {
- "email_id": "",
- "access_levels": [
- "chat",
- "tracking"
- ],
- "role": "Administrator",
- "signature": "2e8132839ffef039e24ab8e162b5b1f1",
- "date_of_birth": "",
- "description": "",
- "language": "",
- "chat_enabled": true,
- "type": "Salesiq User",
- "locale": "",
- "confirmed": false,
- "enabled": true,
- "notify": {
- "return_visit": false,
- "new_visit": false
- },
- "modified_time": "1596093400214",
- "id": "115000000029087",
- "departments": [
- "115000000004001",
- "115000000000018"
- ],
- "first_name": "",
- "owner": false,
- "created_time": "1596093400198",
- "time_format": "12 hours",
- "address": {
- "country": "",
- "pincode": "",
- "city": "",
- "street": "",
- "state": ""
- },
- "maximum_concurrent_chat": "none",
- "image_url": "",
- "mobile": "",
- "last_name": "",
- "time_zone": "",
- "locale_country": "",
- "deleted": false,
- "phone": "",
- "nick_name": "Patricia",
- "social_media": {
- "twitter": {
- "profile_url": ""
- },
- "linkedin": {
- "profile_url": ""
- },
- "enabled": false
- },
- "status": "Available"
- },
- "event_time": "1596093402483"
- }
You can subscribe to this event if you wish to be notified whenever an operator's setting is modified.
- {
- "entity_type": "operator",
- "org_id": "15188410",
- "event": "operator.updated",
- "entity_id": "115000000000094",
- "attempt": 1,
- "version": "1",
- "entity": {
- "email_id": "",
- "access_levels": [
- "chat",
- "tracking"
- ],
- "role": "Administrator",
- "signature": "2e8132839ffef039e7eaaa00748b47ec",
- "date_of_birth": "",
- "description": "",
- "language": "en",
- "chat_enabled": true,
- "type": "Salesiq User",
- "locale": "en",
- "confirmed": true,
- "enabled": true,
- "notify": {
- "return_visit": false,
- "new_visit": false
- },
- "modified_time": "1596092957234",
- "id": "115000000000094",
- "departments": [
- "115000000000018"
- ],
- "first_name": "Patricia",
- "owner": false,
- "created_time": "1594720783132",
- "time_format": "12 hours",
- "address": {
- "country": "us",
- "pincode": "625012",
- "city": "Malibu",
- "street": "Pacific Coast Highway",
- "state": "California"
- },
- "maximum_concurrent_chat": "none",
- "image_url": "",
- "mobile": "08903694722",
- "last_name": "Smith",
- "time_zone": "United States/California",
- "zuid": "15102744",
- "locale_country": "us",
- "deleted": false,
- "phone": "1234567890",
- "nick_name": "Patricia",
- "social_media": {
- "twitter": {
- "profile_url": ""
- },
- "linkedin": {
- "profile_url": ""
- },
- "enabled": false
- },
- "status": "Available"
- },
- "event_time": "1596092957257"
- }
You can subscribe to this event if you wish to be notified when an operator is removed.
- {
- "entity_type": "operator",
- "org_id": "15188410",
- "entity_id": "115000000029087",
- "event": "operator.deleted",
- "version": "1",
- "attempt": 1,
- "event_time": "1596093526367"
- }
You can subscribe to this event if you wish to get notified whenever an operator is associated with a department.
- {
- "entity_type": "operator",
- "org_id": "15188410",
- "event": "operator.departments.associated",
- "entity_id": "115000000000006",
- "attempt": 1,
- "version": "1",
- "entity": {
- "departments": [
- "115000000004001"
- ],
- "id": "115000000000006"
- },
- "event_time": "1596094781678"
- }
You can subscribe to this event if you wish to get notified when an operator is removed from a department.
- {
- "entity_type": "operator",
- "org_id": "15188410",
- "event": "operator.departments.dissociated",
- "entity_id": "115000000000006",
- "attempt": 1,
- "version": "1",
- "entity": {
- "departments": [
- "115000000004001"
- ],
- "id": "115000000000006"
- },
- "event_time": "1596094781678"
- }
There are two different types of events in the Webhooks: Data and administration. The Visitors are data event, you can subscribe to this and get notified when a visitor event is performed.
List of Visitor events:
- visitor.updated
You can subscribe to this event if you wish to be notified when a piece of visitor information is updated.
Case 1: You will receive this payload when lead information is updated.
- {
- "id": "30000000095001",
- "type": "lead ",
- "first_name": "Scott",
- "last_name": "Smith",
- "modifier": {
- "type": "operator",
- "email_id": "",
- "name": "",
- "id": "30000000099007"
- }
- }
Case 2: You will receive this payload when contact information is added to a lead
Note: A lead will be converted as a contact when information such as email or phone is provided for the first time.
- {
- "id": "30000000095001",
- "type": "contact",
- "first_name": "Scott",
- "last_name": "Smith",
- "email_id": "",
- "phone": "9123459876",
- "lead": {
- "id": "30000000090034"
- },
- "modifier": {
- "type": "operator",
- "email_id": "",
- "name": "",
- "id": "30000000099007"
- }
- }
Case 3: You will receive this payload when a contact's information is updated.
How can I set up Webhooks?
To setup webhooks,
Inside the SalesIQ dashboard, navigate to Settings > Developers > Webhooks .
- Here, you can add portal-based and embed-based events through webhooks in the Administration and Data modules respectively. You will be notified to the specified URL when an event occurs.
How to add a portal-based webhook in the Administration module?
Inside the Administration module, you can create webhooks based on portal operations. On subscription, you will be notified every time a portal event occurs. To add a new webhook,
- Click Add .
- Enter the URL that has to be invoked.
- Choose the events that you want to associate with the webhook.
- Finally, click Create Webhook and your webhook will be created.
- You will also be able to see the Webhook instructions here.
How to delete a portal-based webhook in the Administration Module?
To delete a webhook,
- In the dashboard, hover over the webhook that you want to delete and then click on the delete icon on the far right.
- A confirmation pop-up appears. Click Delete and the webhook will be deleted.
How to enable/disable a webhook in the Administration module?
How to add an embed-based webhook in the Data module?
Inside the Data module, you can create webhooks based on embed operations. On subscription, you will be notified every time an embed event occurs. To add a new webhook,
- Click Add .
- Choose the SalesIQ app(s) that you want to create a webhook for.
- Enter the URL that has to be invoked.
- Choose the events that you want to associate with the webhook.
- Finally, click Create Webhook and your webhook will be created.
- You will also be able to see the Webhook instructions here.
How to delete an embed-based webhook in the Data Module?
To delete a webhook,
- In the dashboard, hover over the webhook that you want to delete and then click on the delete icon on the far right.
- A confirmation pop-up appears. Click Delete and the webhook will be deleted.
How to enable/disable a webhook in the Data module?
To enable/disable a webhook,
- Click the toggle button that appears on the right end of each webhook.
Inside the webhook dashboard, you will be able to view the following details:
- Failures: The number of times the webhook has failed
- Last Triggered: When the webhook was last triggered
- App: A list of the apps the webhook is associated with