View Performance Report

View Performance Report

  1. You can view your performance report by navigating to My Profile tab. This report will provide your information about the operator activity, operator attended chats, and operator ratings. 
  2. Clicking on Performance Report will display your performance for the current day by default. You can filter the department and time period to gauge your performance.

Operator Activity

You can view your activity throughout the day, for the selected time frame. The red line graph tracks the average amount of visitors attended online for each hour of the day, the blue line tracks the average amount of visitors’ requests that are closed for each hour while the green line tracks the average number of calls that are closed for each hour. This report is a great way to see what hours of the day you are the busiest.

Operator Activity Ratio

You can view the aggregate time you have spent chatting with visitors against time you sit idle. You can also filter this report by department, or view all of your departments together to see your overall activity ratio.

Operator Attended Chats

Below, you can compare the number of visitors for each department attended over the selected time period against the departments.

Operator Rating

View the ratings given against the number of visitors in the report. The Graph view displays a pie graph of your operators’ ratings from customers by star. Hover over each section of the graph to see what rating it represents and the percentage it makes up.

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