Tickets by Mode | Tickets based on their origin or channels. |
Tickets by Contact | Tickets based on their contacts. |
Tickets by Account | Tickets based on their customer accounts. |
Tickets by Status | Tickets based on their status such as New, Onhold, Escalated, etc. |
Tickets by Priority | Tickets based on their priorities such as High, Medium, and Low. |
All Overdue Tickets | Tickets that overshot the due date and are not resolved on time. |
Tickets Overdue Now | Tickets that are overdue and currently open/pending. |
Article Reports |
Popular Articles | Number of comments for articles. |
Account and Contact Reports |
Contact Mailing List | List of contact address details. |
Accounts by Industry | Accounts from various industries. |
Task Reports |
Tasks Report | List of all the tasks based on the due date and the status of their tickets. |
Product Reports |
Products by Category | Products based upon their category. |
Products by Support Termination Date | Products list whose support discontinued during the current month. |
Products by Tickets | Products and the list of tickets associated with the products. |
Customer Happiness Reports |
Customer Happiness for Agents | Lists the percentage of ratings received by agents in comparison to the overall ratings. |
Customer Happiness Analytics | Lists the customers' ratings and feedback received by the agents. |
Customer Happiness Comparison | Graphic representation that plots the ratings received over different time periods.