Using Gamescope

Using Gamescope

Creating Games

Anyone can create a game out of standard customer support scenarios.

To create a game:
  1. Click the Gamescope icon (  ) in the top bar.
    You will land on the Gamescope page.
  2. Click +New Game.

  3. On the Create a Game page, do the following:
    1. Enter a name for the game.
    2. Choose a game type between User or Group.
      1. If you select User, add the individual agents who are going to play the game.
      2. If you select Group, enter a name for the group and add users to it.
        Note: Make sure you add at least two groups to compete against each other.
    3. Specify the date and time at which the game should start.
    4. Specify the date and time at which the game should end.
    5. Select a repeat schedule if you want to run this game at a regular interval of time.
      You can choose to repeat the game on an 
      hourlydailyweekly, or monthly basis.
    6. Specify the organizers for the game.
      The organizers are users who can stop, edit, or delete the game, and who may or may not participate in it.
  4. Click Add New.

Managing Games

This section provides all you need to know about managing completed, upcoming, and ongoing games.

Completed Games

You can view the games that have already been completed in your help desk.

To view the completed games:
  1. Click the Gamescope icon (  ) in the top bar.
  2. Select the Games tab and then click Completed.
    A list of all completed games will be displayed.
  3. Click on a game to view its details.
    The data presented on the game's page will vary according to its type (user or group) and the number of players (one-on-one or more than two).

Upcoming Games

Upcoming games are those that have been created but have not started yet. Such games will display their namecategory (individual, multiplayer or group), the number of players/teams, and start date and time.

To view the upcoming games:
  1. Click the Gamescope icon (  ) in the top bar.
  2. Select the Games tab and then click Upcoming.
    A list of all upcoming games will be displayed.
  3. You can click on an upcoming game (except for group games) to view the particular game's details.

Deleting Upcoming Games

You can delete an upcoming game by clicking the Delete icon (  ) corresponding to its name. Also, keep the following points in mind when you attempt to delete upcoming games:
  1. Two-player games can be deleted by either the organizers or users who are part of the game.
  2. Multiplayer games or Group games can be deleted only by the organizers of the game.

Editing Upcoming Games

If you wish to edit an upcoming game at any point in time, you can do so by clicking the Edit icon (  ) corresponding to the game's name. Note that you can edit all aspects of an upcoming game, except for the type of game, i.e., changing a group game to a user game and vice versa.

Ongoing Games

Ongoing games are those that are currently in progress, and your agents may have begun accumulating points. You can click on an ongoing game to view the complete details of that particular game.

To view the ongoing games:
  1. Click the Gamescope icon (  ) in the top bar.
  2. Select the Games tab and then click Ongoing.
    A list of all ongoing games will be displayed.

Ending Ongoing Games

You can end an ongoing game by clicking the Stop icon (  ) corresponding to the game's name. Once the game ends, it will be moved under the Completed tab.

Game Notifications

Since agents won't receive any notifications about their ongoing games, they are likely to stay unaware of how many points they have scored or whether another player has overtaken them. To overcome this, agents can turn on notifications for a particular game that they consider important. Once turned on, the agent can view the game's statistics pinned to the top of the gamescope page.

To enable notifications:
  1. Click the Gamescope icon (  ) in the top bar.
    You will land on the Gamescope page.
  2. Select the Games tab and then click Ongoing.

  3. Click the Bell icon (  ) displayed alongside the game for which you want to receive notifications.
    A new tab with the name of the game is pinned 
    to the top bar.
You can, at any time, click the Gamescope icon (  ) to view the game's details on this tab.

  1. Notifications can be pinned only for one game at a time.
  2. Agents will receive notification pops by default in the following situations:
    1. When a new game starts.
    2. When a game ends along with the name of the winner.
    3. When the agent wins a trophy.
  3. Agents will receive separate notification for badges.

Viewing Achievements

If you have played a game, you can view your accomplishments on the Achievements page. The page will display the trophies and badges won by you and other agents of your help desk.

To view the achievements:
  1. Click the Gamescope icon (  ) in the top bar.
    You will land on the Gamescope page.
  2. Select the Achievements tab at the top of the page.

Achievement Information

The page will display the following information:
  1. User name: By default, the page will display your achievements. You can also view the performance of your peers by choosing their name from the drop-down menu.
  2. Overall Standing: This will be shown as the number of games in which you were placed first, second, and third. This is based on your cumulative scores in a particular game and not based on the trophies won by you.
  3. Recent Trophies: This section will display the total number of trophies won by you. It also provides a breakdown of the number of times you've won each of the available trophies.
  4. Recent Badges: Like trophy details, this section will display the total number of badges earned by you. You can also see the number of times you've received each badge.

Viewing Badge Status

You can view the amount of time left and the number of tasks to be completed inside that time for winning a badge. Let's consider an example where the badge's criteria state that you have to reply to 50 tickets in 24 hours. If you have replied to 12 tickets thus far, the Badge Status page will display the number of tickets responded as 12/50 tickets and the time remaining to complete the target, such as 12mins.

To view the badge status:
  1. Click the Gamescope icon (  ) in the top bar.
    You will land on the Gamescope page.
  2. Select the My Badges tab at the top of the page.
    You can find the current status of all active badges.

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