Unsubscribe Feedback

Unsubscribe Feedback

Ask your contacts why they unsubscribe from your newsletters by showing them a simple poll. A poll with different feedbacks that your contacts can select.

To enable Unsubscribe feedback:

  1. From the navigation toolbar, select Settings and choose Signup Pages and Emails under Customization.signup pages and email menu
  2. A page with a list of various activities related to subscription will appear.
  3. Click 'Unsubscribe Feedback' page and click Enable unsubscribe feedback.
    unsubscribe feedback page

    enable unsubscribe feedback

  4. You can configure two different feedback pages for your contacts when they either unsubscribe from your mailing lists or opt-out from your organization.
  5. By default, there will be 5 different feedbacks in the poll that your contacts can choose. You can add a maximum of 10 additional customized feedbacks.
  6. Irrespective of the number of feedbacks you add, you'll be able to show only 10 feedbacks to your contacts.
  7. Click Edit button to customize the feedback page. 
    edit unsubscribe feedback
  8. Click Configure icon in feedback texts to configure the feedbacks.edit feedback
  9. You can:
    1. Show/Hide a specific feedback to your contacts using this icon.
    2. Add a customized feedback.
      configure feedbacks
  10. Close the popup after you're done editing the feedbacks. Changes will be saved automatically.
Note: You cannot redirect your contacts to a custom page when Unsubscribe Feedback is enabled. Disable it and provide the URL of the page to which you want to redirect your contacts to when they unsubscribe.
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