Unable to view the list of all Recommendations and Ratings associated with the Facebook page despite adding it as a column under the Monitor tab

Unable to view the list of all Recommendations and Ratings associated with the Facebook page despite adding it as a column under the Monitor tab

Sometimes when you don't get to view the Recommendations and Ratings associated with your Facebook page, do the following.
1. Login to your Facebook account and navigate to your business page, then click on the Settings option present at the header of the page.

2. Now, click on the Templates and Tabs from the left-hand side menu.

3. Scroll to the bottom of the page, click on the Add Tab button, select Reviews and hit the Add Tab button.

4. Now, click the Settings button next to the Reviews section
5. Change the slider from "OFF" to "ON".
6. Finally, hit the Save button to keep the changes.
There you go! This way, you can track Reviews given to your Facebook page by manually turning them on, on Facebook.