Troubleshooting Recycle Bin and Audit Log

Troubleshooting Recycle Bin and Audit Log

1. I have accidentally deleted a large number of records from Zoho CRM and we have used our two monthly free backups. How can I get my data back?
If you have deleted those records within the last 60 days, you can retrieve the data from the Recycle Bin. After records are deleted, they will be stored in the Recycle Bin for 60 days, unless they are manually removed. After that, they will be deleted permanently.

2. I checked my recycle bin and noticed a large number of tasks, notes, attachments, and emails that are my name under the Deleted By column, but I did not delete them. Why is this?

When you delete a record, all the attachments, notes, emails, and tasks associated with it will also be moved to the recycle bin, so even if you didn't delete them directly, they will appear in the recycle bin under your name. Here, you can see that the lead "Rod Alderton" was deleted at the same time, so we can assume those other items were attached to that record. If you restore the lead record, all the other items will also be restored.

3. There are many records in my recycle bin and I want to delete all the attachments from them to free up file storage. Is there an easier way to do this other than deleting one-by-one?

You can use the search filter in the recycle bin to speed up this process.
  1. Click on the filter icon.
  2. Choose the Attachments as the Type to display only the attachments that are in your recycle bin.
  3. You can then select all the displayed items to delete them in bulk.

4. I had two contacts with the same name and email and now when I search I can't find one of them. I also checked the recycle bin and the record is not there.
Check the audit log to see whether the duplicate contacts were merged. This will also be logged in the timeline of the record it was merged with. Once records are merged, the duplicate record will not be moved to recycle bin, it will be completely deleted from the CRM and cannot be retrieved.

All Find and Merge activities are logged in the audit log and in the record's timeline

The merged and duplicate records will not be available in the recycle bin.

5. My manager made some updates to a record which I own. Those changes are not logged in the audit log, but they are recorded in the timeline of the record.

Users with the Administrator profile or CEO role can access the entire organization's audit logs, while users with other profiles can only view their and subordinates' audit logs.
Check if you have either the Administrator profile or CEO role.
If you do have the Administrator profile or CEO role and the changes are missing from the audit log, please email us at with a description of your issue, the record ID, and screenshots of the timeline and audit log.

6. Emails I send from an IMAP-configured mailbox (e.g. Gmail or Outlook) are not being tracked in the audit log. What should I do?
This will happen if the user has not enabled SalesInbox in their CRM account. Emails sent from their mailbox will only be logged in the audit log if SalesInbox is enabled.

7. A record has been updated by a sales rep but the changes do not appear the audit log. The changes do appear in the timeline of the record. Is it possible to export these changes?

The audit log displays all the actions performed by all users in the last 60 days.
In this record timeline screenshot, we can see that the record was last updated 64 days ago, so this action will not be available in the audit log. If the action was performed in the past 60 days and but does not appear in audit log then please refer to this help doc to learn more about which actions are captured in the audit log.

If you still notice that some actions are not appearing in the audit log, email us at with an issue description, the record ID, a screenshot of the record's timeline, the exported audit log file, and a screenshot of the audit log for the date range where the action is missing.

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