Troubleshooting Email Parser

Troubleshooting Email Parser

1. The parser email is in the invalid email section.
  1. The content in the email doesn't match the content of the parser
  2. The content in the email has different spacing or merges the characters in the same line
This is the valid format for parser content:

This is the email sent to parser:

  1. Ensure that the content of the parser is the same as the content in the email.
  2. Ensure that the spacing and format are the same as the parser content.
  3. Ensure that delimiters are used properly and sample data is provider after the delimiter.
  4. Ensure that the field values are mapped to the correct fields.
2. When the parser email is sent, it does not appear in either the received email or the invalid email section.
Ensure that the email is sent to the correct parser email address and the from email address is added to the list of approved email addresses.

3. I want emails received to my inbox to be sent to the parser email using forwarding options.
Yes, it is possible to add the parser email address for forwarding emails. However, if an email is sent from your email service provider to confirm the mailbox, this will not work since the parser email address does not have a mailbox to receive the email.

4. I am unable to parse picklist fields in the parser settings?
You will be able to map only those fields that accept dynamic values such as,
  1. Single line
  2. Multi line
  3. Phone
  4. Decimal
  5. Email
  6. Integer
  7. Currency 
5. I clicked "Update" after I entered the approved email address and the next time I opened the parser settings, the approved email address was missing.
Ensure you enter the email address and click the Add button next to it or press Enter or Return on your keyboard before you click Update.

6. I would like to update an existing record via the email parser.
The email parser can only create new records. It is not possible to update existing records using parser.

7. What is the file size limit for attachments added via email parser?
Up to 5MB can be attached to the record. Multiple files can be attached in the attachment section as long as the total size does not exceed 5MB.

8. When a currency value is added, the value is not populated in the field.
When mapping a currency field, do not add any currency symbols, such as "$". Once the record is created, the currency sign will be automatically populated in the value by the system.

9. Which delimiters can be added while creating the parser content?
There are only three types of delimiters (: colon, ; semicolon, = equals) that can be used in the content to add it to the CRM account. 

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