

What are Trigger Rules?

These are rules that can be used to trigger an action to your website visitors at different instances and grab their attention. You can perform predefined actions when the visitor lands on your website or is accessing your web page. You also have an option to set custom triggers for your website. 

Benefits of Triggers:

  1. You can use triggers to connect with your customers and keep in touch with them. It’s always a great idea to keep them updated with what your business offers.
  2. You can send out relevant messages to your visitors when they perform specific actions. If you own an online store, you can either send out a catalog of products similar to what they just bought from you or a discount coupon that they can benefit from.
  3. You can keep reminding your customers of the upcoming events in your store. Reminding them to renew a subscription or about a sale that will end soon might interest them and encourage them to engage more with your store.

How to add a Trigger Rule?

  1. Navigate to Settings > Automate > Triggers .
  2. Click on the Add button to set a trigger rule.

  1. Choose the app that you want to set up a rule for. 
  2. Choose your audience - this can be based on website details, technology, visitor details, department, triggered status, UTM values, CRM values, campaigns, company data, user data and general conditions like number of past chats.

  1. Then, click on Next .
  2. Now, choose when you would like to trigger the visitors on your website.
    1. Lands on my website:  Trigger an action only when the visitor hits the exact landing page of the website for the first time.
    2. Accesses any page on my website:  Trigger an action when the visitor accesses any chosen page on your website, where the rule is set.
    3. Performs a custom action:  You can set your custom action and can trigger your visitors, when they perform the action on your website.
    4. Leaves my website:  Trigger an action once the visitor leaves your website.

  1. Click Next .
  2. Choose the type of trigger that you would like to use. There are 2 options available:
    1. Invoke JSAPI  : You can invoke actions using JSAPIs when visitors match the criteria
    2. Send chat invite - You can send out chat invites to visitors when they match the criteria
  3. Select a pre-defined condition from the drop down to define the type of visitor you would like to trigger an action while visiting your website. 

Predefined conditions for Triggers

The available Predefined Conditions and its descriptions as follows:


Browser used by the visitor in the website.

(Values : Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Unknown)

Country of the visitor accessing the website.
Current page
URL of the page where the visitor is accessing.
Current page title
Title of the page where the visitor is accessing.
CRM Contact
Contact information of your website visitors in Zoho CRM, Click to know more.
CRM Lead
Lead information of your website visitors in Zoho CRM. Click to know more.
CRM Account
Account information of your website visitors in Zoho CRM.
CRM Potential
Potential value of your website visitors in Zoho CRM. 
Campaign Source
UTM used to identify a search engine, newsletter name, or other source.
Campaign Medium
UTM used to identify a medium such as email or cost-per- click.
Campaign Term
UTM used for paid search eg: keywords for the ad.
Campaign Content
UTM used for testing and content-targeted ads.
Campaign Name
UTM used for keyword analysis to identify a specific product promotion or strategic campaign.
IP address
IP address of the visitor visiting the website.
Landing page
URL of the page where the visitor have landed in the website.
Landing page title
Title of the page where the visitor landed in the website.
Number of past chats
Count on number of past chats with the visitor.
Number of visits
Count on number of visit by the visitor in  the website .
Operating System

Operating system used by the visitor.

(Values : Android, Apple iPhone, Apple iPod, Apple Macintosh, Blackberry, Kindle, Linux, Microsoft Windows, Motorola, Nintendo, Nokia, PlayStation, Sun Solaris, Symbian, Web OS)

Source from where the visitor is referred from.

Region of the visitor in the website.

(Values : Asia Pacific, Canada, Europe the Middle East and Africa, North America, South America, United Kingdom)

Search engine

Search engine used by the visitor.

(Values : Baidu, Bing, Google, Inktomi, Teoma, WebCrawler)

State of the visitor accessing the website.
Visitor Type

The type of visitor in your website.

(Values : All, New, Returning)

Visitor Info
Use our JavaScript APIs to set the values.
Web Embed
Embed in the website where he visitor is accessing.
To set two or more conditions.
City from where the visitor is accessing the website.
Visitor Type in CRM

Category of the visitor in CRM.

(Values: Contact, Customer, Lead, Not Available, Prospect)

Triggered Status

Set criteria based on the trigger status, whether the trigger is invoked or not.

(Values: Invoked, Not Invoked)

Previous Page

URL of an important page, where you like to be intimated if the visitor leaves that page and moves to another page.

Types of Triggers:

Invoke JSAPI:

To invoke an action using JSAPI,
  1. In the ' What type of trigger would you like to use? ' section, choose Invoke JSAPI 

  1. Enter the trigger name and set when it has to be triggered. The skeleton JSAPI will be displayed below using which you can build your JSAPI. 

  1. Implement the JSAPI on your website
  2. Click Next .
  3. The, provide your rule a name and click Launch 

  1. The API will be invoked when the visitor matches the rule.   

Send chat invite:

To send out a chat invite,
  1. In the ' What type of trigger would you like to use? ' section, choose  Send Chat Invite .
  2. Enter the name of the app that you want to send the chat invite from and set when it has to be triggered. The example JSAPI will be displayed below.

  1. Then, enter the message that you want to display to the visitor. You can also type '%' for dynamic text suggestions.   
  2. Click  Next .
  3. Then, provide your rule a name and click  Launch 

Trigger when the visitor leaves

You can find an option   'Leaves my website' in the ' When would you like to trigger the website visitors?' section which will trigger an action when the visitor leaves your website. With this trigger, you can update a field in CRM and add the visitor to a mailing list in Zoho Campaigns with the visitor data based on the activities performed by the visitor in that particular visit. 
  1. Go to Settings > Automate > Triggers .
  2. In "When would you like to trigger the website visitors" section, select "Leaves my website" and click Next .

  1. And then choose the type of action that you want to perform - " Push to CRM " or " Add to Campaigns Mailing list. 
  2. Now, when the visitor leaves your website and matches the condition and criteria, then the chosen action will be triggered.

Update leaving visitors info in Zoho CRM

You can update the CRM Lead/Contact module's field when the visitor leaves your website. The CRM modules available in the drop down for you to choose from and map the info are as follows:
  1. Update to CRM Lead - This option will help you push the info to the chosen field in the Leads module.
  2. Update to CRM Contact - This option will help you to push the info to the chosen field in the Contacts module.
  3. Update to CRM Lead/Contact - This option will help you to push the info to a common field either in Leads or in Contacts module (i.e., Whether the visitor is a lead or converted as a contact in your CRM, the info of the visitor will be updated to the common field in either of the modules.)
Steps to be followed:
  1. In the " What type of trigger would you like to use? " section, choose Push to CRM .

  1. Then, the fields available on your CRM for the module will appear. Choose a relevant module.
  2. Then, select the data that you want to record in the aforesaid module.
  3. Then, choose a field in the CRM module. In the value text box, enter the name you would like to mention in the CRM field. So, when the website visitor matches the mentioned condition and criteria, then the value will be registered in the particular field of your CRM module.
  4. Then, provide your rule a name and click   Launch 
  5. Now the info will be captured in CRM when the visitor leaves your website.

Add leaving visitors info to email campaign list

With the " Add to Campaigns mailing list" option, you can add the visitors directly to the campaign email list when they leave your website.
  1. In the " What type of trigger would you like to use? " section, choose  Add to Campaigns Mailing List .

  1. Choose the mailing list of your choice and click Next .

  1. Then, provide your rule a name and click   Launch 
  2. If the condition and criteria of the visitor match then the visitor will be added to the email campaign list when they leave your website.

Initiate trigger based on custom action

You now have an option in the Triggers section to trigger your visitors when they perform a custom action on your website.
First, you have to add the custom action code to your website, and then you can add the custom action to automate the process of triggering an action when the visitor performs the action on your website.
  1. Go to Settings > Automate > Triggers
  2. In "When would you like to trigger the website visitors?" section, select " Performs the custom action "
  3. Enter the custom action value and click  Next .

  1. Choose the type of trigger that you would like to use. There are 2 options available: 
    1. Invoke JSAPI   : You can invoke actions using JSAPIs when visitors match the criteria 
    2. Send chat invite  - You can send out chat invites to visitors when they match the criteria 

  1. Then, provide your rule a name and click   Launch .
  2. Now, when the visitor performs the custom action, the chosen trigger will be initiated.

How to delete a trigger?

To delete a trigger rule, hover over the particular trigger rule and click on the Delete icon.

How to enable/disable a trigger rule?

To enable/disable a trigger rule, hover over the particular trigger rule and click the toggle button.

The triggers will not work if there is a Zobot or Answer bot enabled for the brand

Related Topics:
  1. Custom Triggers
  2. Automation in SalesIQ
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