The domain which you have entered belongs to another deployment/region

The domain which you have entered belongs to another deployment/region


You may face this error when:
  1. You are trying to add a new user
  2. You are trying to add an alias for a user

When trying to add a new user


In Zoho One, the accounts of the users must be present in the same Data Center (DC) as the organization. If the user already has a Zoho account in a different DC, you won't be able to add them to your organization.


You can do one of the following to add the user:
  1. Enter a different email address for the user, if it is convenient. This option is suitable if it is an external user who is going to be a part of your organization only temporarily.
  2. Inform the user to close their Zoho account, then try adding them again.
If you face one of the following issues while closing the account, contact
  1. You don't know who might have opened an account with this email address.
  2. An error occurs when trying to sign in to that account–"This account cannot be found. Please use a different account or sign up for a new account".

When trying to add an alias


The email address you are trying to add as an alias is already associated with a Zoho account in a different Data Center (DC). Someone might have started a trial or opened an account in any of the Zoho apps using this email address.


To add the email address as an alias, it has to be disassociated from the account it was added to.

If you know who has opened an account with this email address, inform them to do one of the following:
  1. Remove the email address from the account. If the account has only one email address, another address has to be added and made primary before the current one can be deleted.
  2. Close their account.
If you face one of the following issues while closing the account, contact
  1. You don't know who might have opened an account with this email address.
  2. An error occurs when trying to sign in to that account–"This account cannot be found. Please use a different account or sign up for a new account".

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