Set up your taxes in advance so that they get automatically added during checkout. You can add taxes specific to the country, state, and even product category.
In this section:
Add Taxes
Edit Taxes
Delete Taxes
Tax-inclusive Prices
Tax Shipping Rates
Set up state-wise taxes:
Enable the State Tax Override toggle.
Select your State from the drop-down menu.
Enter the Tax Name and Tax Rate.
Select the Tax Type, either Add to country tax or Replace country tax.
Click Add State Tax Override to add another tax.
When finished, click Save.
Add to country tax will add the state tax to the country tax.
Replace country tax will ignore the country tax and use the state tax instead.
Set up category-wise taxes:
Enable the Category Tax Override toggle.
Select the Category Name from the drop-down menu.
Select your Location from the drop-down menu.
Enter the Tax Name and Tax Rate.
Select the Tax Type.
Click Add Category Tax Override to add another tax.
When finished, click Save.
Click Save after making the changes.
Click Yes, Delete It on the confirmation pop-up.