Tax settings in Zoho Commerce

Tax settings in Zoho Commerce

Tax settings in Zoho Commerce

You can set up your tax settings and tax rules in advance so they automatically get added during checkout.


In this article we'll cover:

  • The different tax rules and settings in Zoho Commerce

  • How to add and edit taxes

  • Tax exemptions

  • Tax authorities

  1. To go to the taxes module, go to Settings > General > Taxes


  1. To start with, you need to add tax authorities. To set up tax authorities, click Tax Authorities > Add Tax Authority.



  1. Enter the Tax Authority, State, and Description, then click Save.


All the Tax Authorities you have saved will appear In the Tax Authorities section. You can edit or delete these anytime as needed.


  1. To add new tax rules and rates, click Tax Rates > Add Tax Rate.


  1. Provide a name for your tax rate, enter the rate, and choose the tax authority from the list created earlier, then click Save.


Once you have more than one tax rule added, you can create a tax group. For example, if the total tax of a product you sell has city tax as well as the state tax, you can create a tax group that combines both these taxes into one single tax group.

  1. To create a tax group, click Add Tax Group, enter the name for your tax group, and check the taxes you want to group together, then click Save.


A new tax group will be created, which combines the tax rates of all the associate taxes


  1. Next, to set up tax exemptions in case of certain special cases, you can do so by going to Tax Exemptions > Add Tax Exemption.


  1. Enter the exemption reason and description, and choose whether the exemption is applied at a customer level or a product level


  1. To set up tax rules go to Tax Settings > Add Tax Rule.


  1. Select the country, add a title, and enter the tax rate. The rate you set here will be applied across your products and across the country.

Note: You can create one tax rule per country. Any exemptions or deviations within the country have to be handled with the help of tax overrides, which are explained in the coming sections.


  1. If you want to apply a different tax rate to specific product categories or in specific states, you can do so by using the Category Tax Override or the State Tax Override options respectively.

Note: To use overrides, you need to have created one or more tax rates.


  1. To add a state specific tax, enable State Tax Override, choose the state, and choose the tax from the list of taxes which were created earlier

  1. To add a category-specific tax, enable Category Tax Override, select the category, select the location,  and choose the tax from the list of tax rates created earlier. Click Save once you're finished setting up your taxes.

Note: To add Category Tax Override, you need to have created one or more categories earlier.


  1. Finally, you can set tax-inclusive prices and tax your shipping rates by enabling them under tax settings and clicking Save.



To edit and delete existing tax rules, click the icons as shown below

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