Standard Fields in Deals

Standard Fields in Deals

Following are the list of Zoho defined standard fields available in the Opportunities module:

Field Name
Data type
Maximum Limit
Deal Owner
Select the name of the user to whom the deal is assigned.
Deal Name*
Specify name of the deal. This field is mandatory.
Text box
Account Name*
Select name of the account to which deal has to be created. This field is mandatory.
Select the type of deal (New Business or Existing Business) from the drop-down list.
Pick list
Lead Source
Select the lead source from the drop-down list
Pick list
Campaign Source
Select the campaign related to the deal.
Contact Name
Select the contact related to the Deal.
Specify the amount that can be expected after closing the deal.
Closing Date*
Specify or select the expected close date. This field is mandatory.
Date format
Next Step
Specify the next step of the sales process.
Text box
Select the sales stage from the drop-down list. This field is mandatory.
Pick list
Specify the probability of closing a deal.
Expected Revenue
Calculated based on the Amount and deal Stage that you specify
Created By
Displays name of the user created the deal first time.
Modified By
Displays name of the user modified the deal
Specify any other details about deal.
Text area (long text)
32000 characters

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