In the Content configuration page, you can find the social share tags on the right side of the page. Just copy the specific merge tag and paste into your campaign content. We’ll provide the link or icon depending upon the type of merge tag chosen for the sharing.
These are social sharing links which allow your contact to share the campaign on social sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
To share on Facebook - $[SS:FBLIKELINK]$ To share on Twitter -$[SS:TWTWEETLINK]$ To share on Pinterest - $[SS:PIN_LINK]$
These are social sharing icons which allow your contact to share the campaign on social sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. In an icon based tag, “Like” is the title tag and “Like this” is the Alt text for the icon.
To share on Facebook - $[SS:FBLIKEICON|Like|Like this]$ To share on Twitter - $[SS:TWTWEETICON|Tweet|Tweet this]$ To share on Pinterest - $[SS:PIN_ICON]$