Setup your Personal profile

Setup your Personal profile

Adding more information about you will legitimize your profile and make users feel like they are chatting with a genuine person. A fully equipped profile will look professional and makes it easier for your operators to contact you. 

Set profile picture:

The first thing users will notice when conversing with operators is their profile picture, so adding a profile picture is essential.

  • In the SalesIQ dashboard, click on the profile picture icon on the top right corner to reveal the side drawer.
  • Now, click on your name to open the Profile information page, click on the profile picture icon, drag and drop or select a picture from your computer.
  • You can adjust the image using the crop tool, and click Upload.

Add Essential Information:

  • In the Profile Information page, click on the Settings icon on the right.

  • Now fill out all the basic information to make your profile look more professional and legit.
  • After entering all the necessary information, click Save on the pop-up on top.

Setup your availability status:

Users will be routed to operators based on their availability. When engaged with another visitor or taking a break, you can change your availability status. 

  • In the SalesIQ dashboard, click on your profile picture to reveal the side drawer.
  • Toggle the switch next to Status to change your availability. Once changed, your status will be set to Busy. 

Note: Chats will not be routed to you when your status is set to busy. But you can still see the incoming chat request and attend them if you wish to.

You can also completely turn off your availability:

  • In the Profile information page, click the settings icon and scroll down to the Available to take chats option.
  • Toggle the switch to turn it off. Once turned off, you can't access the visitor tracking module, modify the availability status, or monitor chats.

Associate to departments: 

  • In the Profile information settings page, scroll down to Associate departments, using the drop-down list, select the departments you want to associate yourself.
  • You can view all the departments you're associated with, below the Chosen Departments. To remove a department, click on the 'x' symbol next to the department name, click Save.

Set Concurrent chat limit:

Define the number of chat you can handle simultaneously. Your status will change to Engaged once you reach the limit. New incoming chats will not be routed to you until an ongoing chat get over. 

  • In the Profile information settings page, scroll down to the Concurrent chat limit, using the slider set the limit, click Save.

Control Notifications:

  • Mobile notification: In the Profile information settings page, scroll down to Mobile Notification, toggle ON to get notified on your mobile when a new or returning visitor lands on your website.
    • New Visitor: When enabled, you will get notified on your mobile if a new visitor lands on your website. 
    • Returning Visitor: When enabled, you will get notified when a returning visitor hits your website.
  • Desktop notification: Under the Desktop notification, toggle on to get notified on your computer.

Set Language and Time zone:

  • In the Profile Information page, choose your language and Time zone from the drop-down, click Save.

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