Setting up business hours
Specify the working hours for your company or support using business hours. It will help visitors acknowledge your availability so that they can approach you accordingly for live support. Using business hours you can turn off support even if your operators are logged in.
- In Settings > Brands > Your brand name, Click on Business hours on the top right corner.
- Toggle the switch to enable business hours, and pick a time zone to set your business hours.
- Now you can set your business hours by moving the multi colored sliders.
- Click on the Center of a slider to shift it to your desired time interval. Drag the sliders from the left or right side to expand or shrink the time interval to match your needs.
- Now repeat the process to fix working hours for all days of the week.
- If you wish to remove the slider entirely, hover over it and click on the trashcan icon that appears beside it, this will indicate that your company or support will not be available for that day.
- Click and drag over an empty space to create a new slider. Multiple sliders can help define intervals or breaks during the day.
- Click Save on the pop-up on top to save your changes.
You can hide the chat widget during offline hours by clicking the checkbox next to the Hide Chat widget outside business hours.
- Business hours will work based on the time zone configured in your company settings.
- Enabling the Hide Chat widget during offline hours feature will hide your chat widget during non-business hours. Visitors will not be able to view resources like FAQs or communicate with Zobots (If any).
- Disable Business hours if you haven't specified any working hours.
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