Setting up a follow-up routine to qualify leads for loan applications

Setting up a follow-up routine to qualify leads for loan applications

Feature: Workflow Rule | Edition: Enterprise
Michael Andrew is a loan officer who evaluates and authorizes loans to small and medium-sized enterprises, and self-employed individuals. A week back, his company announced about a "Smart Scheme" that gives financial assistance of up to $50,000 at low interest rates. Post this announcement, they have been flooded with enquiries about the scheme like eligibility, minimum interest rate, coverage, etc. Besides soliciting loans, Michael is also responsible for following-up with each prospect to qualify and convert them to create an opportunity.
Below is the follow-up process that he plans. However, with so many applications and enquires, he finds it difficult to track the statuses manually. To work efficiently, he needs to automate the follow-up processes.

Michael decides to make use of Workflow rules to set up the follow-up routine and streamline the process. 
In a Workflow Rule, he can set up multiple conditions, each of which includes the criteria and the actions for each follow up. However, before setting up the Workflow, there are some pre-requisites:

I. Create a Custom Module
   Go to Setup > Customization > Modules and Fields > New Module to create a module named Borrowers.
II. Add Picklist Fields

    Borrower's Status: 
  1. Interested in Scheme
  2. Details of Scheme Sent
  3. First Reminder Sent
  4. Second Reminder Sent
  5. Called
  6. Lost Borrower 
Response Status: 
  1. Responded 
  2. Has not Responded 
To create fields, follow the steps in the link below
Note: Select Interested in Scheme from the Select Default Value drop-down of the Borrower's Status field.
This enables you to have the status of each lead automatically updated to "Interested in Scheme". 
III. Design Email Templates
     Create three email templates:
  1. Details of Scheme
  2. First Reminder
  3. Final Reminder 
To do this follow the steps given in the link below:
Workflow Rule

1. Go to Setup > Automation > Workflow Rules > Create Rule and create a rule for the Borrowers module
    Enter the following details:

Rule Name

Email Prospects Based on Loan Origination Status

Description (optional) 

Send email to prospects

When to execute

On a Record Action > Create

Condition 1

Which records the rule should apply to?

Records matching certain conditions. 



* Borrower Type is Existing BorrowerNew Borrower.


* Borrower Status is Interested in Scheme.

Instant Action


Action - I

Email Notification


Details of Scheme

Action - II

Field Update 


Details of Scheme Sent




Borrower's Status = Details of Scheme Sent

 Condition 2

Which records the rule should apply to?

Records matching certain conditions.


* Borrower's Status is Details of Scheme Sent.


* Response Status is Has Not Responded.

Scheduled Action 

Set action to execute 2 Days After Rule Trigger Date

Action - I 

Email Notification


First Reminder

Action - II

Field Update


Reminder 1 Sent




Borrower's Status = First Reminder Sent

Condition 3

Which records the rule should apply to?

Records matching certain conditions.


* Borrower's Status is Reminder 1 Sent.


* Response Status is Has Not Responded.

Scheduled Action 

Set action to execute 4 Days After Rule Trigger Date

Action - I

Email Notification


Final Reminder

Action - II 

Field Update


Reminder 2 Sent




Borrower's Status = Second Reminder Sent

Condition 4

Which records the rule should apply to?

Records matching certain conditions.


Borrower's Status is Reminder 2 Sent.


Response Status is Has Not Responded

Scheduled Action

Set action to execute 6 Days After Rule Trigger Date)


Action - I 



Call borrower to remind them about schemes

Due Date 

Workflow Rule Trigger Date plus 6 day(s

Condition 5

Which records the rule should apply to?

Records matching certain conditions.


Borrower's Status is Called.


Response Status is Has Not Responded

Instant Action


Action - I

Field Update






Borrower's Status = Lost

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