Set Task Status, Due Date and Priority

Set Task Status, Due Date and Priority

Task Status
An important aspect of customer support is to keep track of all the tasks that are created in your help desk. You can neatly track and organize the numerous tasks by their working statuses. Their status can be very useful in initiating and reporting pending action items and in expediting your support process.

Here is how you could set the status for a task:
  1. Click the Activities module.
  2. In the Activities Home page, click Tasks on the bottom of the left panel.
  3. Open the task for which you want to set status.
  4. In the Task Details page, click the Task Status field.
  5. Select a Status from the status drop-down list. You can choose between: Not Started, Deferred, In Progress, Waiting on Someone, Completed.

The task is updated with the chosen status. 

Task Due Date
Set a due date or time to let your colleagues know when their tasks should be completed. Your agents can sort their tasks by their due period and work towards their completion.

To set the due time for a task:
  1. Click the Activities module.
  2. In the Activities Home page, click Tasks on the bottom of the left panel.
  3. Open the task for which you want to set the due date.
  4. In the Task Details page, click the Due Date field.
  5. Select the date and time from the calendar.
  6. Click Save.

Task Priority
Priority defines the importance that is to be given to a task. Change the priority of the Ticket from High or Medium or low from the Priority menu on opening a ticket. There are five values for task priority: Highest, High, Normal, Low and Lowest. 

To set the priority for a task:
  1. Open the task for which you want to set priority.
  2. In the Task Details page, click the Edit icon  ) in the header. 
  3. Click the Priority field and select a value from the drop-down. 
  4. Click Save
The task is updated with the chosen priority.
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