Send automatic notifications to the third-party providers

Send automatic notifications to the third-party providers

Edition: All editions | Industry: Travel | Features: Workflow Rules

Zylker Travels offers various tour packages to its customers ranging from adventure trips, family outings, destination holidays and weekend getaways. Their customer flow mainly happens through the company's website, where they fill out the required details and the reps follow-up with them based on the individual's interest and enquiry.  
The company hopes to streamline, categorize, and expedite the lead management process for two types of customers through workflow rules. 
  1. Condition 1: They want to send welcome emails immediately to those customers who have chosen the travelling month as current month and are not travelling solo. These customers must also be tagged as high priority, so the reps can promptly tend to their queries. Also, the reps should make a call to the prospects soon after the webform is submitted. 
  2. Condition 2: Zylker conducts solo trips in partnership with a third-party event organizing group ZK Adventures. It therefore wants to notify them about the interested prospect and also redirect the individual to them. They create a webhook to send them notifications as soon as the webform is submitted in Zylker's website. 
Expected Result

I. Create custom picklist fields called “Travelling With” and "When do you want to travel?". To do this: 
  1. Go to Setup > Customization > Modules and Fields
  2. Select the Leads module/Standard Layout. 
  3. Drag and drop a Picklist field type into the layout. 
  4. In the Picklist Properties popup, enter the Field label as “Travelling With”.
  5. Add the following picklist values:
    1. Family 
    2. Solo 
    3. Friends
  6. In the next Picklist Properties popup, enter the Field label as “When do you want to travel?".
  7. Add the following picklist values. 
    1. This month
    2. Next month 
    3. Later
  8. Click Done
  9. Click Save.
II. Create an email template to send the welcome email to the customers registered via webform.
  1. Go to Setup Customization > Templates 
  2. Select New Template
  3. Choose the Leads module.
  4. Select the Blank document.
  5. Enter a Template name.
  6. Enter a Subject name.
  7. Click Create Template.
  8. Click Save.
III. Create a Webhook to send notification to the third-party company about prospects who are interested to travel solo.
  1. Go to Setup > Automation > Actions > Webhooks.
  2. Click Configure Webhook.
  3. Enter a name for the Webhook.
  4. In URL to Notifyenter the URL provided by the third-party company.
  5. In Method, check POST.
    You should select the POST option only, because the notification is sent from CRM to the third-party provider.
  6. Give a Description.
  7. Select Leads Module.
  8. In URL Parameters, fill the Parameters in User Defined Format.
    Give Argument and Argument Value 
    (Note: Arguments are defined by the third-party in their code)
  9. Click Save and Associate.
  10. Click Save. 
Workflow Rule
Condition 1
  1. Go to Setup > Automation > Workflow Rules.
  2. Click Create Rule.
  3. In the Create New Rule popup.
  4. Choose the module: Leads.
  5. Give a rule name: Send trip details.
  6. Select description: Send email to travel prospects.
  7. In the When section, choose On a record action: Create.
  8. Click Next.
  9. In the Condition 1 section, enter the following: 
    1. Lead Source is Webform.
    2. When do you want to travel is This Month.
    3. Travelling with isn't Solo.
  10. The Criteria Pattern will register as ( ( 1 and 2 ) and 3 ).
    So, the rule will be triggered when all the three conditions are satisfied by a record.
  11. Create Instant Action : Email Notification.
    1. Select Email Template: Welcome to Zylker Travels.
    2. Click Associate. 
  12. Assign a task to your Sales Rep to call the prospective customer.
    Select Task.
    Select New Task.
    In Subject, write Make Call to the Prospect.
    In Due Date, select Workflow Rule Trigger Date plus 0 days.   
    Click Save and Associate.
  13. Click Tag,
  14. Select Add Tag and name it as High Priority.
Condition 2
  1. In Add another Condition, enter the following:
    1. Lead Source is Webform.
    2. Travelling with is Solo.
  2. Select Done.
  3. Add an Instant Action - Webhook.
  4. Select the Webhook that you had created.
  5. Select Associate.
  6. Click Save. 
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