Record Owner Suggestion in Assignment Rule

Record Owner Suggestion in Assignment Rule

Zia can suggest a suitable record owner(s) based on specific criteria. If the organization has setup assignment criteria then Zia will draw a pattern from those rules to identify the most suitable record owner.

For example, you can set a criteria stating the leads from IT industry must be assigned to User A and leads from Manufacturing must be assigned to User B. You can configure various other criteria like territory, product interest, lead source etc., and even use multiple criteria in combination to manage lead assignment. Learn more about configuring assignment rule.

There are two options to choose when you define to whom a lead should be assigned:
  1. You can manually select a CRM user while configuring an assignment rule.
  2. You can let Zia suggest a user.
To select Zia suggested user, check the option during configuration of assignment rule.

How does Zia select the right owner for a record?

Zia observes the record management pattern and takes all the below parameters into consideration for suggesting an appropriate record owner.

Existing pattern

Zia will skim the records and identify the existing record assignment pattern. Let us consider that you assign records based on the product type and the geographic location of the customers. 
  1. Customers from New Jersey who are interested in Mutual Funds must be assigned to Catherine Ross.
  2. Customers from Georgia who are interested in Corporate Fixed Deposits must be assigned to Roxanne Murphy.
So, Zia will observe this pattern and suggest an ideal user if the incoming records match similar conditions.

Everyday activities of the reps

Zia will observe the type of communication a user mostly performs: email communication or calls. She will draw a pattern from the observation about the user's preferential mode of communication.
For example, if user A mostly manages email communication then the records that have value in the email field will be assigned to user A. Similarly, if the email field is empty and phone number field has a value, then that record will be assigned to a user that mostly manages calls.

Online status of users

While setting the assignment rule if you check the "user availability before assigning record", then Zia will take into consideration a user's online status, namely if the user is logged in to CRM or not. If the user is not logged in, the record will be assigned to the default user.

Users' workload

Zia will suggest a user based on the number of records they manage in a day. For example, if user A manages 50 customers in a day and user B manages 30 customers, then Zia will check if they have reached their maximum limit before suggesting. Zia calculates the threshold limit and suggest users who have less records as per their daily limit and she keeps a check on overloading the users.
For Zia to predict the record assignment pattern in the organization, there must be 1000 records present in the CRM account.

How does Zia form a pattern to assign owners to a record?

Zia determines a pattern from the existing data using which it assigns the most appropriate owner for a record. This reasoning is influenced by the following factors:

Fields that contribute to Zia's prediction

Let's say you assign leads from region A to Peter and region B to Mark. Also, you like to assign leads from the IT industry only to Peter and the ones that belong to Telecom industry to Mark.

Now, if the above pattern has been used by your organization for all the leads that show interest in your business, then Zia will identify the "region" and "industry" as the two main fields that influence the lead assignment. 

Let's say most of the leads do not mention their industry in the beginning and thus the field is empty, then automatically they will be assigned based on the region they belong. In that case, Zia will give more weightage to the "region". Because region becomes the deciding factor for lead assignment in absence of industry.

So, based on the above data Zia will list out the fields that determine the prediction and the score for each field. 

  1. The Zia tab is accessible only to the CRM administrators.
  2. CRM users cannot add new fields to the contributing list as these are auto-derived by Zia based on the pattern.
  3. If you do not want a field to be considered by Zia for predicting the assignment pattern you can uncheck it.
  4. If you think Zia's suggestion is inappropriate, you can reassign the record to other user.
  5. In future if you add any other field to the assignment rule criteria (for example, besides region and industry, you also use city as a criteria) then during periodic updates Zia will use this field (city) as one of the determining factors. You will be able to view the field among the list of contributing fields.
  6. The data will be updated automatically every month. The last updated date and time will be displayed. You cannot refresh this data manually. However, if a user modifies data in any of the contributing fields then the algorithm will be refreshed automatically in sometime.

User pattern determination

For determining user pattern, Zia will pick all the contributing fields and their corresponding values to find the suitable match.
Let's say, Peter is assigned leads that meet the below criteria:
  1. Belong to IT industry
  2. From Region A
  3. City is New York
  4. Bill amount is more than US $ 10,000.
Similarly, if you have another assignment rule criteria based on bill amount, such that:
  1. Belong to IT industry
  2. From Region A
  3. City is New York
  4. Bill amount is less than US $ 10,000.
Leads matching this criteria are assigned to Amelia, James, and Parker in a round robin fashion. 

Likewise you may have more such criteria with different values in the contributing fields to determine which user will be assigned a particular lead. For example,
  1. Bill amount = 10,000 and city is New York
  2. Industry = IT, bill amount = 10,000, and city is Chicago
  3. Industry = Telecom, bill amount > 50,000 and city is New York
Zia will consider all these data types to draw a rough pattern that shows if the contributing field is x and its corresponding value is y and so on then A, B, and C users may be the eligible record owners.
The results are grouped under two categories:
Criteria view: Based on certain criteria a particular user will be suggested as the record owner.  

User view: For each CRM user the records that suit them the best will be displayed.

Aside from the contributing fields and its value, other influencing factors are the record threshold, which will take into account the ideal number of records that a particular user is assigned per day, week or month.  

User threshold determination

The user threshold is the number of records a CRM user usually handles everyday. It will help Zia determine a pattern and calculate the ideal threshold.
For example, if Peter is assigned the following number of leads each day in a week: 
  1. Monday - 30
  2. Tuesday - 35
  3. Wednesday - 40
  4. Thursday - 25
  5. Friday - 15 
Zia will identify the number of records assigned for a day in each week and estimate the ideal number of leads that can be assigned to Peter on a Monday, Tuesday etc.

Similarly, if Peter is always assigned 30 leads/week and Mark 35 leads/week, Zia will understand the pattern and calculate the threshold for both the users.

This computation will help Zia avoid overloading or under loading a user with too many or too less records. It will always take the user's threshold into account before suggesting them as potential record owners. 

For example, if User A has 90% probability to be a record owner and User B has 70% probability. However, if User A's daily threshold is reached then despite lesser probability, User B will be chosen as the record Owner.
Points to remember
  1. Zia can suggest a record owner only if the CRM account has at least 1000 records.
  2. The CRM account must have more than 1 user and the records should be assigned based on criteria for Zia to understand the existing pattern.
  3. Zia takes into account past 6 months of data to compute reasoning and draw patterns. It would be recommended to periodically check your account to get rid of redundant, inaccurate, and duplicate data for accurate predictions.
  4. In some cases the contributing fields may lack values or have values that occur less frequently then Zia will not be able to generate score for such fields. In that case the score will be displayed as inconclusive.

  5. If the admin doesn't have permission to certain contributing field, then the field value will be represented with three asteriks (***). 
To view Zia's reasoning
1. Go to Setup > Automation > Assignment rule > Zia.
2. Select the module (custom or standard) for which you want to see Zia's reasoning.

3. Under Fields contributing to Zia's prediction, uncheck the fields that you do not want Zia to consider and click Save Changes.
4. Under User pattern determined by Zia, filter using user name to find the respective pattern.
5. Under User threshold determined by Zia, filter using user name to find the respective pattern.

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