Profanity Library

Profanity Library

Keep all the chats on your portal professional by adding more terms to your profanity library. If the terms mentioned in the profanity library used during bot conversation, the bots will send out a warning, and after repeated usage, the visitor will be blocked by the bot.

To add a new library:
  • Navigate to Settings > Personalize > Profanity library, click Add on the top right corner.
  • Now, choose how you would like to add the new library.
    • Build with existing library - This option allows you to build a new library on top of the existing ones. All the terms in the existing library will be added to your new library.
    • Create new library from scratch - This option allows you to create a new library and add terms.
    • Import library - You can import a library from your computer. The file format should be .csv, and the sheet format is Column: Language code | Word 1 | Word 1 | Word 3. (Ex: en | word1 | word2| word3)

  • Now choose the existing library that you want to use.

  • Enter the name for your new library and click Add.

Adding terms

  • You can view all the languages present in the library. Click Edit on a language to add or remove terms to that language. 

  • Enter the term in the input field and click on Add term option.

Adding language

  • You can add more languages to your library by clicking on the Add language option. 
    • Choose from existing library - You can choose a language available in an existing library
    • Create new library from scratch - You can add a language available in the default library
    • Import language - You can import a language from your computer
  • If you select the choose from existing library or create new library from scratch option, you can choose the language from the drop down.
  • Once selected, click Done. 

Delete and Disable a language


  • In the library, click on the Delete option under the Actions column of the language you want to remove. 
  • Once clicked, a confirmation pop-up will be shown, click Delete again to confirm. 


  • You can enable/disable a language by clicking on the toggle switch on the language tile. 

Associate the profanity library to the brand:

  • In    Settings > Brands > Your brand > Flow control,    move over to the    Profanity  Management  tab on the top, and enable the  Content Moderation   option.

  • You can select the profanity library which you've created or choose the Default library. 
  • You can choose to monitor only the Operators conversation or monitor both the operator and the bot conversation as per your preference. 
  • You can also choose to display, mask, or block the abusive messages by selecting your choice in the    Choose a Message Action    section.

Set abusive word limits

  • Set up a threshold to warn and close the chat after sending a particular number of abusive messages. Drag the slider to the desired number to fix the limit.
  • Warning message:   You can customize the warning message by replacing the text in the input field under the Warning Messages section.
  • Follow-up action:   You can opt to close the chat or block the user when the abusive limit is crossed.

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