Pipelines in Bigin

Pipelines in Bigin

Every sales cycle consists of stages, such as initial contact, prospecting, contacted, proposal, deal won, and deal lost. Mapping these stages in your Bigin account is essential to keep track of all your data. A pipeline in Bigin is an online replica of your sales cycle and the stages in it. The right sales pipeline can help you identify bottlenecks in your sales cycle and manage sales efficiently.
Pipelines are versatile and they can be used to manage any business process. For example, your organization might have a service department that follows a streamlined process to ensure every product is serviced properly. This process can be mapped to Bigin in addition to your sales process as we support multiple pipelines. Or, your business might have different sales stages depending on the product being sold. You can create multiple pipelines in Bigin to manage the sales cycle of each product.
There is a default sales pipeline to help you get started and the stages in the default pipeline can be edited as per your needs. The stages 'Closed Won' and 'Closed Lost' cannot be edited or removed from any sales pipeline as each deal has to go through the complete cycle and be marked as lost or won to record precise metrics.


Creating Pipelines

  1. Go to Settings and then Pipeline and Stages.
  2. Click + New Pipeline.
  3. Enter the name of the pipeline in the first text box.
  4. Enter the stages that you need for the pipeline.
  5. Click  or  to add more stages, and  to delete a stage.
  6. Hover over a stage and click and drag it to reorder.
  7. Click Save. 
  1. The maximum number of stages that you can have in a pipeline is 25, including the default stages.
  2. Closed Won and Closed Lost are default stages and they cannot be altered.

Editing Pipelines  

  1. Go to Settings and then Pipeline.
  2. All your pipelines will be displayed.
  3. Hover over the pipeline you want to edit and click the Edit icon.

  4. Make the appropriate changes and click Save.

Working with pipelines

Bigin has many features to make managing your pipelines easier. These features help sales reps view and navigate the pipeline with ease without disrupting their busy schedule. 

Collapsing or Expanding Columns

Organize the sales pipeline by collapsing or expanding columns to suit your preference. This helps you view the important stages in your sales cycle and collapse the stages that do not need your attention. Each column represents a stage in the pipeline.
To collapse or expand columns
  1. Go to the Deals modules.
  2. Choose the desired pipeline from the dropdown.
  3. Click the Collapse icon at the bottom of the column.
    Alternatively, click on the more icon and then select Collapse stage to collapse a column.
  4. Click on the column if you want to expand it again.

Resizing Columns in a Pipeline

To resize columns
  1. Go to Deals modules.
  2. Choose the desired pipeline from the dropdown.
  3. Move your mouse pointer to the boundary of the column.
  4. Drag and resize the column to the desired width.

Reordering Stages in a Pipeline

Reorder stages in a deal effortlessly using the drag and drop feature.
To reorder stages
  1. Go to Deals modules.
  2. Choose the desired pipeline from the dropdown.
  3. Drag the stage column you want to reorder and drop it in the desired location.

Adding a Stage to a Pipeline

You can add a stage to a pipeline directly from the pipeline view.
To add a stage to a pipeline
  1. Go to the Deals modules.
  2. Choose the desired pipeline from the dropdown.
  3. Move your mouse pointer to the stage after which you want to add a new stage.
  4. Click the More icon and select New Stage from the dropdown list.
  5. Enter a name for the stage and click Save.

Deleting a Pipeline

  1. Go to Setup and select Pipeline.
  2. All your pipelines will be displayed.
  3. Move your mouse pointer to the pipeline you want to delete.
  4. Click the Delete icon.

Choosing a Pipeline When a Deal is Created  

If you have multiple pipelines for different business processes carried out in your organization, you will need to choose the appropriate pipeline for each particular deal.
Let's say you own a technology company which sells mobile phones, laptops, and personal computers. You handle both B2B and B2C sales, so you have two different sales processes. You will need to select the appropriate pipeline when creating a deal.
To choose the appropriate pipeline while creating a deal
  1. Log in to Bigin and select the Deals module.
  2. Click Create Deal.
  3. Select the appropriate pipeline for the deal in the pipeline dropdown.
  4. Fill in the other details and click Save.

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