

The Orders section is a summary of all the orders that have been placed in your store. This section helps you track your orders and their corresponding shipping, payment, refund, and delivery statuses.


The following are the types of reports that can be checked in the Orders page.

The following panel in the orders section allows you to customize the orders that you want to view.


Sort by 

Click the Sort by icon [] to sort your orders by their order ID or by their order amount in ascending or descending order.


The Show dropdown list allows you to choose the number of orders to be displayed on a page.

Search box 

You can also search for an order using the Order ID or the customer's email address in the search box.


Filters make it easier to sort the orders according to your need.
Click the Filter icon [] to access filters. You can filter based on all the above mentioned categories. 

How to apply a filter 

1. Click the check boxes of the filters you would like to apply to your orders list.
2. Click Find.

3. To remove/redo your selected filters and choose a different set of filters, click Clear Filter.

4. Click the Close Filter button in the bottom-right corner to close the Filter panel.

The Orders list   

The Orders list is the details of all the orders placed in your store. This screen will be visible as soon as you click on Orders from the left panel.


  • Order ID: The unique number to identify each order along with the date and time the order was placed.

  • Customer: The customer's name and their email address.

  • Order Status: The status of the order: confirmed, pending, or delivered.

  • Payment Status: The status of the payment: paid, unpaid, refunded, partially paid, or partially refunded.

  • Shipping Status: The status of the shipment: shipped, delivered, or pending.

  • Amount: The order amount in the base currency of the store.