Pending: Orders that have not been confirmed yet by the seller.
Confirmed: Orders that are confirmed as placed by the seller.
Completed: Orders that have been shipped and delivered to the customer.
Canceled: Orders that have been canceled either by the customer or seller.
Declined: Orders that have been canceled by the customer and this cancellation is declined by the seller due to various reasons.
Paid: The orders that are prepaid.
Partially Refunded: The orders for which a partial amount of the total order value was made as a refund.
Refunded: The orders for which a refund is completed.
Pending Refund: The orders for which a refund has not been completed
Shipped: The orders that have been shipped by the seller.
Delivered: The orders that have been handed over to the customer.
Zoho Commerce: Orders placed only through Zoho Commerce
Use the Yesterday radio button to view all the orders placed yesterday (the previous day).
Select the This Week radio button to view all the orders placed this week.
Select the Last Week radio button to view all the orders placed in the previous week.
Select the This Month radio button to view the all orders placed this month.
Select the Last Month radio button to view all the orders placed the previous month.