Depending on the stock availability, you can choose to confirm or cancel the order
Click Confirm Order to proceed with the order.
Click Cancel Order to end the order processing.
Click Confirm Order after confirming that you can complete this order. Or choose to Cancel Order if you are unsure about completing this order.
After confirming, Print Invoice option becomes available.
The printed Invoice will look like this:
In the middle of the Order Details page, you'll see a box with information about three things:
Item Cancellation/Return
Under the Shipping tab, you can also do the following:
Click Print Packaging Slip to generate a slip with products details and quantity of items that are being shipped in the package. This is how the packaging slip will look like.
After setting up a shipping carrier, enter your From and To addresses and validate them.
After validating your addresses, click Save and Continue.
On the next page, select your parcel type and enter your ship date and your package weight, along with the dry ice weight.
Select your preferred delivery options and click Get Rate.
Click Save and Continue after reviewing your prices.
You can now download and print your shipping label.
To make changes, simply click the Pen Icon in the top-right corner of the section you wish to edit.
To understand better, watch this video: